Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Hercules has been there with the RAF and got on with the job .
2 DEC has been ahead of the field in cultivating computer-aided drug design and other molecular modelling companies , and its latest is Waltham , Massachusetts-based Molecular Simulations Inc .
3 Millie had been home for nearly three months when she received a letter from Annabel .
4 If only Dana had been more like Myra .
5 Then he discovered Ash had been beforehand with him .
6 Eve had been there for as long as she remembered to help her fight her battles .
7 Earlier in the day , Jeffrey had been far from happy to learn that the Scotland seven to be chosen from a pool of ten — Hong Kong have increased from nine to remain consistent with the World Cup format — would have around five hours between their ties tomorrow .
8 She spoke as if Ruth had been away on holiday and must therefore have abounding strength and energy .
9 Kohl has been here before
10 Mandru had been away on business for much of the time since Lucien had arrived , so performances had been few .
11 No er I th I thought Mr had been here before now , but he 's a very busy man you know , he 'll be coming .
12 The little that she 'd been able to piece together was that Pamela was a barrister , that the house did , as Lucy had suspected , belong to her , and that she and Josie had been together for at least five years and probably longer .
13 After the Portuguese mission left Abyssinia , Lebna Dengel found himself increasingly faced by the threat from the Muslim states of Ifat and of Adal , which included Harar , with which ever since the fourteenth century the Emperors of Abyssinia had been intermittently at war ; these states were forever encroaching on the eastern borders of the empire in a war of raid and counter-raid .
14 The 18 months that Del Amitri have been away from the spotlight have n't been wasted and they 've come up with some belting songs to prove it .
15 Unlike Roth , who 's been working , Tarantino has been everywhere with Reservoir Dogs .
16 Poor Sam had been backwards at coming forwards , she told herself .
17 Harry had been all for building a full-blown ship of three hundred tons or more , with four masts , three decks , two castles and ten brass pieces into the bargain , but Sam Gristy had insisted upon a more modest outlay , and a three-masted bark had been agreed upon .
18 Manager Sue Surrey is seen here being presented with the southern regional quarterly audit prize by Eugene Kertzman and CCG client Ewart Wooldridge , and she has no doubt about the reason : ‘ CCG has been here for 12 years , myself for the last seven , and you can put our success down to working together as a team .
19 ‘ And you 're fingering Billy to have been here on Sunday on some sort of animal liberation commando raid ? ’
20 Yugoslavia had been effectively without a President or a commander of the armed forces ( a role held by the Collective Presidency ) for several days as the term of his predecessor , Borisav Jovic ( a Serb ) , had expired on May 15 .
21 The only certainty was that it was not Brian , for Brian had been away during that crucial week of Tina 's cycle , doing an electrical job in Aberdeen .
22 Aerospatiale and Socata have been there since 1911 and will probably be there for the next 80 years , whether they buy Piper or not .
23 Mind you they have done a bit more to it since Wiggie 's been there in as much as she 's had a big curtain put across
24 ‘ Or maybe she just learned from a more rational neighbour that the real Delia has been abroad for six months .
25 But she did say on one occasion , after Cassie had been home for about two days : ‘ How 's that nice young man we met , Cassie ?
26 Lionel had been much in evidence .
27 Peter had been outside in the wasteland .
28 Even if Cherith had been genuinely in love with me , how long do you thing we 'd have stayed together ?
29 On the one hand , ethnic minorities currently settled in Britain have been here for a relatively short period of time , and it seems that circumstances of migration and initial settlement are conditions under which support between siblings assumes greater significance than it might otherwise do — a point illustrated by the patterns of chain migration and of joint households which I discussed earlier in this chapter .
30 In other fields — most notably those concerned with computers — both France and Britain have been far from successful .
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