Example sentences of "[noun prp] and with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The wings were charged with meaning for the Victorians : based on the ancient Egyptian good-luck symbol , the winged globe , they were associated , too , with winged time , with Cupid and with the protection of guardian angels .
2 Inevitably there is also speculation , as with Stonehenge and with the Ring of Brodgar on Orkney , about a possible astronomical significance .
3 Like many readers before and since , the author of The Cloud identified Mary the contemplative with Mary Magdalene and with the woman who had anointed the feet of Christ , washed them with her tears and who was told by Jesus that her sins had been forgiven because of her great love .
4 Benin reportedly agreed to the extradition , also described as an abduction , following the decision of the CAR to provide a grant of 1,000 million francs CFA ( US$3 million ) to Benin and with the assurance of the acquiescence of France , which , according to Africa Confidential of Oct. 6 , was " anxious to reduce its costly military presence " in the CAR without destabilizing the government , to which Bozize 's group was considered to be a threat .
5 What is their connection with each other and with Wheeler and with the murder and the two candles ? ’
6 The special mission of the Organization of American States ( OAS ) , led by Augusto Ramírez Ocampo and with the aim of negotiating President Jean-Bertrand Aristide " s return to power [ see p. 38522 ] , returned to Port-au-Prince on Nov. 9 for further talks with army leaders , politicians and other interest groups .
7 Prodded by such luminaries as Eugene Wigner and Werner Heisenberg and with the aid of a grant from the Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique , he eventually set about writing the book in Geneva .
8 She was principal oboe with the Monteverdi Orchestra under John Elliott Gardiner and with the Academy of St Martins-in-the-Fields .
9 In 1935 he had formed a group , the International African Friends of Ethiopia , to oppose the fascist aggression of Mussolini and with the help of his good friend , George Padmore , he later organised the International African Service Bureau ( I.A.S.B. ) , whose journal , ‘ International African Opinion ’ , he edited .
10 The Empire reached its zenith after the First World War with the acquisition of former German colonies in Africa and with the addition of League of Nations mandates to govern parts of the old Ottoman Empire in the Middle East — Palestine , Jordan and Iraq .
11 There were times when Ken was enjoying himself-with Dame Edith and with the part .
12 Comparisons with other regions of the UK and with the Republic of Ireland are included .
13 Four years later , in March 1937 , at the instigation of Pacelli and with the assistance of a number of German bishops , Pius XI issued an encyclical , Mit Brennender Sorge , in bitter condemnation of Nazism .
14 familiarity with the requirements of the international regulatory authorities , particularly in Europe and with the FDA .
15 The brilliant and enigmatic figure of Becket had brought England and its Church into closer association with Europe and with the papacy .
16 The lorries drive off across Europe and with the amount of traffic there is the chances of them being caught are pretty minimal .
17 After several days of paperwork in Bali and with the help of Continental 's cargo agent , Putra , we got the engine box out of Customs and on a Bouraq Airlines flight to Kupang .
18 Labour Party members had taken part in government for the first time under the wartime coalition of Lloyd George and with the support of the party 's National Executive Committee .
19 This gives it the versatility of a Strat or Les Paul and with the power of the untapped HFS pickups it really is the best of both worlds .
20 With the drop in agricultural support from the EC and with the policy of Set Aside taking land out of farming production , local farmers should be encouraged to use their spare land in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty more sensitively .
21 The illness of Sancho in 1211 probably accounted for his reconciliation with Rome and with the bishop of Porto and his acceptance of stringent conditions which seriously limited the powers of his successor , Alfonso II , for the Cortes in 1211 had declared all secular law subject to canon law and had freed the clergy from most taxes .
22 In order to safeguard standards , the latter should be compared with the results of the SATs and with the judgement of other teachers .
23 In order to safeguard standards , the latter should be compared with the results of the SATs and with the judgement of other teachers .
24 Jilinski , however , seemed oblivious to Samsonov 's ever more perilous situation , and as late as 26 August — when the hapless Samsonov was just about to be engulfed from all sides — he commanded Rennenkampf to employ two corps for the investment of Königsberg and with the rest of his army to press on to the Vistula .
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