Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To hear some people talk , you would think such things are all in a jumbled undifferentiated past , much as the Louis XIV 's palace of Versailles with its real hall of mirrors now also houses Jacques-Louis David 's massive celebrations of Napoleon and of the revolution which brought down the Bourbons .
2 Die-cast metal plaques presented by ARPS and in the Volunteer Sector a cheque for £750 presented by Ian Allan Ltd .
3 Family placement team members will be manning stalls at Alton market on Tuesday and at the Forest Centre , Bordon , on Thursday , to reinforce information broadcast nationwide during a week-long television campaign .
4 Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the stabbing to death of the young black schoolboy Rolan Adams and in the year since then 15 black families — council tenants and owner-occupiers — have been driven out of their homes on the Thamesmead estate .
5 The Sunnite Muslims , who are dominant in Anatolia , Afghanistan and among the Turkoman nomads , forbid the depiction of living forms , whereas the Shiite Muslims of Persia — and , of course , the Hindu , Taoist and Buddhist cultures of India and China — are not bound by such doctrinal restraints .
6 The lighter ships would then be sent to escort the transports previously collected at Cherbourg and in the mouth of the River Orne .
7 The museum opened to the public in 1987 and the Collection is now funded by donations from Dominique de Menil and from the Estate of John de Menil , as well as from other foundations and individuals .
8 He drove out of Grantley and along the road that led to the village of Woodham .
9 The DTI ( ITSU-ITD6A ) was a founder member and is represented on the Interim Action Board by Harry Ivey and on the Business Strategy Forum by George Sidney .
10 The Spanish influence in Central America is reflected in the wide use of olives in Mexican food and some crops are grown in Mexico and on the west coast of the USA .
11 The affair caused considerable embarrassment for President François Mitterrand and for the government , which survived by 28 votes a motion of censure in the National Assembly on Feb. 11 .
12 There are new route books in the Marisco Tavern , Lundy ; in the Count House , Bosigran ; at Compass West , Sennen ; The Wild Blue Yonder , Plymouth and at the Moorland Rambler in Exeter .
13 Doi ruthlessly exploited the difficulties which the 1989 Recruit scandal caused for the LDP and as the personification of the nascent Japanese women 's movement she was successful in attracting female voters who had become disillusioned with the political process and estranged from the ruling party .
14 Thirty thousand spectators turned up at Lillie Bridge in London to see him run the mile against William Cummings of Paisley and in the return match George 's time of 4 min. 12.75 sec. was not beaten in Britain for forty-nine years .
15 Guest vocal stars were often from the States and of the sex-calibre of Frank Sinatra .
16 I 'm glad to report that Captain Alwyne Farquharson of Invercauld who has estates on Royal Deeside and on the island of Mull , has finally abandoned his opposition to a film crew building a temporary track on the island .
17 The FMC has received frequent complaints about shippers having to pay freight twice , both to the insolvent NVOCC and to the shipping company which had not been paid by the NVOCC .
18 They need to be informed about the aims and content of foreign language teaching in this country , as laid down at present by exams such as GSCE and in the future by the National Curriculum .
19 The northern Swedish Mountain variety is white , with black ( or red ) ears and muzzle and a few freckles of colour on the neck and sides ; it is similar to Norway 's Blacksided Trondheim and Nordland and to the North Finnish .
20 Although he handed over the active management of his business some time ago to his son , Bill , his keen interest in the affairs of Cessford and in the welfare of his family never flagged .
21 In an article entitled ‘ Two Problems in Legal History ’ ( 1908 ) 24 L.Q.R. 392 , W. C. Bolland has pointed out that this was not only an order of the Sovereign but an Act by the Parliament , since it is in the Parliament Rolls and under the authority of Parliament .
22 Quickly he told Dalziel what he had just learned from Antony and of the train of thought this had started in his mind .
23 They did not simply speak of the human Jesus of Nazareth and of the relation of persons to him as a human .
24 Local Christians took over our cinema to show the film Jesus of Nazareth and on the eve of the opening , the resident poltergeist threw a fit behind the closed doors of the projection room .
25 Demanded that Iraq " rescind its orders for the closure " of diplomatic and consular offices in Kuwait and for the withdrawal of diplomatic immunity from their staff .
26 Whilst the Habsburgs were consolidating their power in central Europe they were confronted on the east by Hungary and in the south by the Venetian republic .
27 That this aetheling could find refuge in Surrey and among the South Saxons suggests a change in the situation in the south-east since Ine 's earlier years as king .
28 The wings were charged with meaning for the Victorians : based on the ancient Egyptian good-luck symbol , the winged globe , they were associated , too , with winged time , with Cupid and with the protection of guardian angels .
29 The nationalist camp in Likud argues that such contrivances will lead eventually to dialogue with the PLO and to the establishment of a Palestinian state .
30 Would it not be a disaster if families in my constituency in Leicestershire and throughout the country faced the huge tax increases proposed by Labour and the Liberals ?
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