Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [verb] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 Benjamin spun on his heel , grabbed a torch from Sir John Santerre and walked down the nave , beckoning me to follow him .
2 We collected our horses , took leave of Santerre and galloped down the frozen , cobbled track as if Mandeville intended to waste no time in reaching Glastonbury before nightfall .
3 This was done by first starting at the top of the list with Allied Lyons and working down the list .
4 The midday sun glinted against the bronze bas-reliefs of famous battle scenes on Napoleon 's column as Chantal steered the Harley-Davidson through the place de l'Opéra and turned down the busy rue de la Paix .
5 ‘ There 's no difference between doing this in a small place like Northwich and closing down a pit in a mining village . ’
6 He finally flew home to South Africa and put down the money on his cluster house .
7 And then sailed from Montreal , I was going to go back my , it was my intention to go back to New York , but I changed my mind at Montreal and sailed down the St Lawrence from Montreal , back to Glasgow .
8 Endill hugged goodbye to the Bookman and climbed down the shelves , hoping no-one had spotted him .
9 He must have appeared as " the man of destiny " , the young saviour , as he entered Constance and progressed down the Rhine in 1212 .
10 They were embarked at Leith and sailed down the east coast to Gravesend where they were transferred to another ship .
11 This happy coincidence — happy , that is , for all those visionaries and seers who speak in sonorous phrases about the ‘ New Pacific Century ’ and the ‘ Grand Pacific Age ’ , and find such a discovery a perfect symbol of what they 're talking about — has been the case ever since 22 October 1884 , when a group of scientists and politicians met in a hotel in Washington DC and set down the rules by which the planet was henceforth to organize the keeping of its time .
12 Last year small river craft were brought in by air or overland to Kalewa and driven down the Chindwin to the Irrawaddy .
13 Charlotte booked into a hotel in the centre of Boston and hunted down the telephone directory in her room as soon as the porter had left .
14 Every few weeks I would get one or two days off duty to catch the ferry to Nanaimo and motor down the scenic Malahat Drive to Victoria .
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