Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To hear some people talk , you would think such things are all in a jumbled undifferentiated past , much as the Louis XIV 's palace of Versailles with its real hall of mirrors now also houses Jacques-Louis David 's massive celebrations of Napoleon and of the revolution which brought down the Bourbons .
2 Die-cast metal plaques presented by ARPS and in the Volunteer Sector a cheque for £750 presented by Ian Allan Ltd .
3 Stroll along the disused railway line from Lewes to Uckfield and around the Seven Sisters Country Park where you can enjoy the coastal scene .
4 Family placement team members will be manning stalls at Alton market on Tuesday and at the Forest Centre , Bordon , on Thursday , to reinforce information broadcast nationwide during a week-long television campaign .
5 Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the stabbing to death of the young black schoolboy Rolan Adams and in the year since then 15 black families — council tenants and owner-occupiers — have been driven out of their homes on the Thamesmead estate .
6 After it it seen this week at the Tron Theatre , Glasgow , the company will be taking Antigone to the Mercat Theatre in Drumchapel and to the Gorbals Unemployed Workers ' Centre , where Reekie expects that the ‘ strong , accessible storyline ’ of the play will appeal to an audience who respond to exactly such elements when they are presented in the form of TV soaps .
7 Skarsnik had other enemies to crush , and would launch huge attacks against Karak Azul , Barak Varr and throughout the Badlands over the course of the next three summers .
8 He envisaged a regional security arrangement with firm guarantees of a timetable for Soviet force withdrawals from Afghanistan and of the functions of residual Soviet forces in this country .
9 One small group heads for Iran ; the rest fly through the Soviet Union , across the battlefields of Afghanistan and past the guns of Pakistani poachers to the monsoon-soaked plains of India , where they pass a lazy winter feeding on plants .
10 The Sunnite Muslims , who are dominant in Anatolia , Afghanistan and among the Turkoman nomads , forbid the depiction of living forms , whereas the Shiite Muslims of Persia — and , of course , the Hindu , Taoist and Buddhist cultures of India and China — are not bound by such doctrinal restraints .
11 Ease of travel Was one of the benefits brought by an empire as large and stable as the Persian , which after the conquests of Cyrus , Kambyses and Darius I in the second half of the sixth century extended from Thrace to modern Afghanistan and from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf and the Third Cataract of the Nile .
12 German losses at Verdun and on the Somme were so severe they were driven to enlist the entire male population between the ages of 17 and 60 for service in the forces or for war work .
13 The lighter ships would then be sent to escort the transports previously collected at Cherbourg and in the mouth of the River Orne .
14 The museum opened to the public in 1987 and the Collection is now funded by donations from Dominique de Menil and from the Estate of John de Menil , as well as from other foundations and individuals .
15 He drove out of Grantley and along the road that led to the village of Woodham .
16 The DTI ( ITSU-ITD6A ) was a founder member and is represented on the Interim Action Board by Harry Ivey and on the Business Strategy Forum by George Sidney .
17 The headache came courtesy of a gash in the scalp suffered in the thrilling 1–0 win over Aston Villa and from the celebrations that followed Norwich going back on top of the Premier League .
18 The Spanish influence in Central America is reflected in the wide use of olives in Mexican food and some crops are grown in Mexico and on the west coast of the USA .
19 Up on the Wolds , the Scots were looting and killing at Malton and around the villages of Kilham and Rudston ; shrewdly the prior of Bridlington sent a Scottish-born canon to Malton to negotiate for the safety of his house , while at the same time the priory prudently removed all its muniments , vestments and precious relics ( a piece of the true cross among them ) to Goxhill , in Lincolnshire , and left only eight canons with one chalice in Bridlington .
20 The second required the establishment of boards of governors for polytechnics and other LEA-maintained colleges , and the specification of the governors ' functions vis-a-vis those of the LEAs and of the colleges ' principals .
21 The programme of education reforms currently being introduced by the British Government requires all state maintained schools to introduce more or less simultaneously several major innovations , together with any changes initiated by LEAs and by the schools , while attempting to maintain the quality of their ongoing work .
22 The affair caused considerable embarrassment for President François Mitterrand and for the government , which survived by 28 votes a motion of censure in the National Assembly on Feb. 11 .
23 There are new route books in the Marisco Tavern , Lundy ; in the Count House , Bosigran ; at Compass West , Sennen ; The Wild Blue Yonder , Plymouth and at the Moorland Rambler in Exeter .
24 ‘ We left Reyjavik on Good Friday and on the Sunday morning I was turned in , having come off watch at 0400 hours .
25 Doi ruthlessly exploited the difficulties which the 1989 Recruit scandal caused for the LDP and as the personification of the nascent Japanese women 's movement she was successful in attracting female voters who had become disillusioned with the political process and estranged from the ruling party .
26 It requested recognition from President Gorbachev and from the USSR and republican Supreme Soviets .
27 Thirty thousand spectators turned up at Lillie Bridge in London to see him run the mile against William Cummings of Paisley and in the return match George 's time of 4 min. 12.75 sec. was not beaten in Britain for forty-nine years .
28 They were jealous both of the United States and of the West German economic miracle , yet at the same time , " joy through work " was not " a British ideal " as it was in West Germany .
29 The work of Kempe in the United States and of the NSPCC in Britain has shown the extent to which therapy can be provided in such cases for both parent and child .
30 Or act as it actually says in the constitution , the president shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States and of the militia of the several states erm there was n't an airforce then so by extension it 's assumed that he commands the airforce as well .
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