Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [prep] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Water levels on the Drowes are at summer level and 124 salmon were reported .
2 Hawick 's hooker and captain Jim Hay , a former B cap , has torn a hamstring and will miss his club 's match this weekend with relegation threatened Heriot 's at Mansfield Park .
3 It was Harold F. Brooks , a colleague of Hardy 's at Birkbeck College , who contributed to the debate on English studies at Cambridge carried by the press and other media early in 1981 , by complaining that " much of the resort to " isms and " ologies " amounts to " duncery " , and is thus " a menace to the commonwealth of letters , and so to civilization " .
4 The hammers in Stein 's vis-à-vis piano action point away from the player .
5 David is in Hirst class form again
6 The youngest of a large family , who lived right in the book-printing district with Morrison & Gibb , Clark 's and Neill 's within walking distance , she had two elder sisters already in the trade .
7 Donahue Silvis , an exact contemporary of Dustin 's at Pasadena Playhouse , had a bit-part in Midnight Cowboy when the team moved to Florida .
8 Central Park parents and children 's association , Hartlepool , £650 , for equipment and running costs of Barney 's After School Club ; Billingham Gingerbread , £500 , for toys , camping equipment and running costs ; Park Methodist Day Centre , Middlesbrough , £500 , towards the purchase of a snooker table ; Age Concern Cleveland , £500 , towards the cost of leisure equipment for their Middlesbrough Leisure Club .
9 Richard is at Liverpool University reading geography , while Tim , a former head boy at Richmond School , got his geography degree at Liverpool last summer and is now travelling around the world .
10 SORRY folks our picture on Tuesday was of Hereford City Museum and not of Hereford Mount Hotel .
11 ROYAL Scottish Consultant Paul Adams was in pole position when the 12-month-long ‘ Come Together ’ competition reach the half-way mark in March .
12 Fortunately , Mr Hill was in Truro Hospital at the time , out of the area .
13 Geoffrey Scott was at Rugby School from 1898 to 1902 , and in 1903 went up to New College , Oxford , as an exhibitioner .
14 OXTON are in championship form with their recent run of success almost enough to have landed a Weightman Rutherfords Liverpool Competition title .
15 He had been dreaming that he and his friend Aidan Lynch were on Death Row in some American prison and they were about to die in the electric chair .
16 The Chinese authorities denied that Wang and Chen were on hunger strike .
17 He asked for them to be clearly marked , packed in damp moss and sent to Lord Cornbury 's by Oxford Chapel , ‘ where I am to be around generally any morning before ten if you ever have time to call ’ .
18 Diego Maradona is on collision course with his Spanish club , Seville , after leaving the country without permission to play for Argentina .
19 Although Mr. Philipson demurred when the suggestion was put to him , it is palpably clear that his submission amounts to a direct challenge to Mr. Barnes ' affidavit , which contains the clearest possible evidence that the Bank of England did indeed require these documents for the purposes of its own supervisory functions ; this will of course involve collaboration and co-ordination with the Federal Reserve Board 's supervision , on which , as he states expressly in paragraph 13(b) , the Bank of England is in part dependent .
20 At least one authority on the subject , Professor Henry Chadwick of Oxford , argues that the shrine of Santiago de Compostela is in fact Priscillian 's grave .
21 All air travel to Iceland is through Keflavik airport , about fifty kilometres from Reykjavik , a beautiful modern terminal , and one of very few where duty free is available on arrival .
22 The only noteworthy joint activities were weekend schools for trade unionists which the District helped to organise , such as Kingsley Martin 's weekend schools on Public Opinion in Gorleston in 1924 , G. D. H. Cole 's on Trade Unionism at Norwich in 1925 and Harold Laski 's Bedford weekend school on Economics in 1926 .
23 The interaction between Valerie and Laverne is in London English until the point where Valerie responds in vexation , " I do:nt knoh where it is " with an open back rounded vowel in both " do:nt " and " knoh " — pronunciations more characteristic of Creole than London English .
24 Reggie is in Blundeston jail , Suffolk , and could soon be free .
25 Brenda is on income support , yet you should see how the washing basket overflows !
27 Erika Barnes is at Prenton Park .
28 The next morning at Hillside for the pre-qualifier ( it was strange that someone who had finished runner-up in the 1960 Open should have to pre-qualify the next year , but they were the championship rules in those days ) Mr Munro was with Gary player and I was back with Mr Palmer .
29 The State authorities did not need much convincing ; with the world believing that Shangri-La was at hand courtesy of Utah , State politicians seized on this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to revitalise Utah 's economy .
30 And I have pointed out in my papers that you must bear in mind perhaps that er quite a number of Rich er quite a number of the districts in North Yorkshire are of county scale in their sheer size and that therefore it is not inappropriate that at that level that the policies would be refined .
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