Example sentences of "[noun prp] as [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The author of the Life of Wilfrid , who represents Wilfrid as persuading the king and queen to accept the word of God and as preaching to a people who had never before heard the Gospel , undoubtedly exaggerates the paganism of the southern Saxons , for Bede reveals from non-Wilfridian sources , first , that Aethelwealh had married a Christian princess and had been baptized himself and , second , that a number of ealdormen and thegns had likewise received baptism , with the priests , Eappa , Padda , Burghelm and Aeddi ministering to the common people either at the time of Aethelwealh 's conversion or subsequently ( HE IV , 13 ) .
2 These two elements of a manager 's job were picked out by the US organisational psychologists Robert Blake and Jane Mouton as characterising the leadership role , following studies they made in the oil industry soon after World War 11 .
3 That 's been er er a matter which has been erm discussed er at some length by Stragg as has the topic of er house building and the the problems of er capacity for er new house instruction and other development within the , the Council but a number of erm matters er not least of which has been er the departure of two key members of staff during the period er there has er I 'm afraid been a degree of slippage and the original programme that we have put to you and which you agreed which we said at the time was ambitious er is already er showing signs of stress and it looks now I 'm afraid that it will not be er in the early part of the summer that the structure plan in draft form will be available and ready to be approved for consultation purposes , but towards the end of the summer and er er into the early autumn .
4 The restitution was described by Klaus as accelerating the re-establishment of a property-owning entrepreneurial middle class .
5 For it was the general election of 1931 which so drastically altered the balance of parties in the House of Commons as to give the politics of the 1930s its special character .
6 Moore caused considerable scandal by depicting Jesus as surviving the Crucifixion , and being nursed back to health by Joseph of Arimathea .
7 In his monumental opus Terra Nostra — certainly one of the dozen or so most important novels to be published in any language since the Second World War — the respected Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes depicted Jesus as surviving the Cross by means of fraudulent crucifixion involving a substitute .
8 However , for reasons to be examined presently , he regarded the subsequent proceedings before the House of Lords as leaving the court ‘ powerless ’ to take the matter further .
9 He saw Preobrazhensky as viewing the problem only in terms of struggle and confrontation , which would have been disruptive of social equilibrium .
10 Investment business is defined in paragraph 1(2) of FSA as meaning the business of engaging in one or more of the activities which fall within the paragraphs in Part II of Schedule 1 of FSA ( ‘ Investment Business ’ ) and which are not specifically excluded by Part III of Schedule 1 ( ‘ Excluded Activities ’ ) .
11 Interfax news agency quoted the Russian defence ministry in Moscow as confirming the air strike on ‘ military targets ’ in Sukhumi .
12 Itar-Tass news agency later quoted the defence ministry in Moscow as saying the report was groundless .
13 Tass also quoted the Georgian embassy in Moscow as saying the plane was an Il-29 of the Confederation of Highland Nations , which groups small ethnic groups in the Caucasus and supports Abkhazia in the conflict .
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