Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Great Earth Mother Mafulke lived in the Underworld and tended the enormous fires which blazed there .
2 William read through the article , finding two literals , while she finished the last page .
3 Gerald fought to the bar for a couple more glasses and generously shared the bottle .
4 Mr. Occhi got into the taxi , took £1 out of his wallet and gave it to the appellant who then , the wallet being still open , took a further £6 out of it .
5 Jerome crept to the foot of the steps , and there halted , baulked , rather , like a startled horse , drew hard breath and assayed to mount , and then suddenly threw up his arms to cover his face , fell on his knees with a lamentable , choking cry , and bowed himself against the stone of the steps .
6 Armstrong zipped through the City with more than usual aplomb , which made me think that Duncan the Drunken had given him a tuning .
7 Alexandra plunged into the wastepaper basket to retrieve the torn envelope .
8 This obstinate refusal to be a conformist explains not only the difficulties of integration that Nizan experienced within the party , but also — and this needs stressing — underlines the extent to which he succeeded in retaining intellectual autonomy and integrity within the party itself .
9 Cynthia Iliffe shared with the Board a feeling that it could be rather ‘ a hybrid sort of degree course at first ’ , but Pocock and the Board really believed in it , understood that the Crick model of a discipline-based degree had provided it with an academic foundation , but even then ‘ we talked a lot about integration ’ .
10 Three years after his return from Aden , Nizan got to the heart of his dilemma when he proclaimed : I came very close to being a bourgeois …
11 Nutty rode into the warehouse to see if it was ready , and Hoomey followed her , towing Bones , who was ready to go wherever the food sacks were going .
12 The importance which Ellis laid upon the drafting and promulgation of such rules is generally regarded as one of his major contributions to the civilizing of Texas prisons .
13 On May 11 Sahnoun met with the chairman of the United Somali Congress ( USC ) , Gen. Mohammed Farah Aydid ( whose dispute with interim President Ali Mahdi Mohammed was the immediate cause of continuing instability ) , to discuss the possible deployment of UN observers and of security personnel in Mogadishu .
14 Harvey checked with the photographer , the forensic expert , who both said they did n't need the body any more .
15 Mrs Hollyoake lived at the house in Belper , Derbys , with her husband and their 16-year-old daughter .
16 Florrie gazed at the letter in her hands .
17 The discovery , in 1945 by Brotzu in Sardinia , of antibiotic activity in a species of Cephalosporium recovered from the sea near a sewage outfall was brought to Florey 's attention by a former British public health officer and led to work at Oxford and elsewhere on this and similar organisms .
18 Still muttering the word justice , Yeremi gazed at the quatrefoil viewscreen .
19 She came in front beside Patrick and Jim crept into the back , where he promptly fell asleep .
20 , Benjamin Wills ( 1807–1899 ) , Plymouth Brother , was born in Devonport , Plymouth , 12 December 1807 , the only child of Quaker parents , Benjamin Newton , a draper of Plymouth dock who died ten days before the birth of his son , and his widow Anna , a daughter of Roger Treffry of Lostwithiel , with whom Newton lived until the age of twelve .
21 ‘ Previously , a security officer at the Hardshaw Brook depot in St Helens checked with the Met Office , took readings from a thermometer and inspected road surfaces outside the depot .
22 Duvall collided with him in the rush , nearly flinging him to the corridor floor , but Cardiff clung to the door knob and swung himself back again as Rohmer and Gilbert hurtled past him .
23 Well the last the last time when Sunderland got to the Final in seventy-three er there were five of us in the , in my house and I 'd made red and white rosettes
24 BASIC INSTINCT is already famous , a ) for the precedent-setting and record-breaking three million bucks writer Joe Eszterhas got for the screenplay , and b ) for the concerted efforts of the American lesbian and gay community to harass the production because of its alleged depiction of lesbianism and bisexual women as homicidal maniacs , and standing outside theatres giving away the surprise ending .
25 As he bolted down his breakfast Chuck gazed around the clearing with delighted eyes .
26 Denis Irwin chipped a nice ball to Steve Staunton on the left wing and Aldridge got on the end of a fiercely-driven centre .
27 Tony Yates applied to the licensing committee to extend his music licence until 12.30am at Brannegans and 2.30am at Club Lucy .
28 ‘ Pozzo , ’ Haverford translated for the benefit of the English present .
29 Lisa got to the office early and went straight to Vass 's door .
30 In 1923 Van Der Meulen applied for the post of consul there and was selected for a three-year training in Arabic and Islam by the great Leiden Arabist , Snouck Hurgronje .
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