Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [pn reflx] to the " in BNC.

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1 Rex drew himself to the business in hand .
2 Following through in a single smooth action , Manville threw himself to the ground and rolled out of the doorway on to the sidewalk .
3 Concern 's chief executive , Aengus Finucane , in Somalia on a visit , said : ‘ Wendy Murphy , a nurse who was with Valerie , said Valerie threw herself to the floor of the car when the shooting started .
4 Hilton addressed himself to the practical situation of his friend who felt himself torn by the demands of the active life impinging on his desire to pursue contemplation , and helps by showing that these two terms , so often used as opposites to refer to a manner of living , either as a professed religious or as a man of affairs , take their fundamental meaning from different inner conditions .
5 Reverend Wulwick dedicated himself to the children 's needs :
6 The CNAA committed itself to the Diploma .
7 Finally Reddie addressed himself to the ‘ After-Puberty ’ group for sixteen-to twenty-year-olds .
8 Jackson lowered himself to the ground .
9 Joe returned the warm plates of food to the table , and Dolly helped herself to the mint sauce .
10 On 19 December 1960 a new Cuban — Soviet agreement was announced , by which the USSR committed itself to the purchase of 2.7 m.t .
11 Returning to the main cavern at a dead run , Ace threw herself to the side as a cluster of boxes not far off exploded with a sharp blast , hurling several of the defenders into he oily waters .
12 Joshua Morris submitted himself to the first of the day 's body-searches .
13 Richard Baxter 1615–1691 ) during fourteen years of pastoral ministry at Kidderminster gave himself to the pastoral care of some 800 families .
14 Jesus compared himself to the bridegroom .
15 ‘ Love — ’ Fosdyke adjusted himself to the change of subject .
16 Haim Maccoby addressed himself to the historical Jesus in Revolution in Judea , as did Geza Vermes in such works as Jesus the Jew .
17 Gabriel took himself to the top of a steep grass slope and , lying full length in the grass , rolled from top to bottom , over and over and over , until he was soaking wet and extremely dizzy .
18 Since Cox confined herself to the truly great , her sample — unlike , say , Ellis ' and Bowerman 's — naturally contained the names of many individuals whom others have quoted as evidence for the connection between creativity and psychosis ; including , incidentally , one ( Cowper ) who appears in this book .
19 The fact , however , that Britain linked herself to the German economy through the ERM meant that , far from conducting the opposite policies to Germany 's — which it would have been in her real interest to do — she had to follow suit .
20 Eldorado pitched itself to the tabloids as a ‘ sun , sea , sex and sangria ’ story .
21 Jocelyn Toynbee restricted herself to the comment that they ( the cucullati ) were ‘ a comic element like the clowns ’ .
22 For almost twenty years Stutchbury devoted himself to the museum .
23 Protesting , Geoffrey moved to one side as Bridget lowered herself to the ground .
24 Bodie flung himself to the window-sill , leaning hard up against the plate glass and searching to right and left of the playground .
25 Pogodin addressed himself to the spectre of peasant unrest in April and May 1855 and called upon the government to allow freedom of expression .
26 From that moment on , Maltwood gave herself to the search , moving to the area , and eventually finding the signs of the zodiac , arranged in a circle .
27 Leonora restricted herself to the main tableland of the island , knowing perfectly well that Penry had her safety in mind in his veto of exploration on her own .
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