Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] in [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Largely through his patient , persistent advocacy , the government of ( Sir ) Winston Churchill appointed in 1944 the Scarbrough commission , which , on the basis of evidence he submitted and marshalled , recommended a great expansion of the provision in British universities for the study of the languages , history , and cultures of Asia and Africa , and development of the school as the main centre .
2 The German escapement action Stein employed in all the pianos that he made after the piano in the vis-á-vis instrument can be seen as a transformation of the Cristofori-Silbermann piano action .
3 Henriette Nizan recalled in 1980 the events surrounding the assassination of Kirov in Moscow in December 1934 .
4 Of the scientific Discourses at the Royal Institution some were describing original research , occasionally very new as when J. J. Thomson reported in 1897 the discovery of the electron ( if we may allow that phrase ) ; others were in the nature of a review of recent work .
5 The South-West of England suffered in 1942 an intensive bombing campaign by the German Luftwaffe that really had little to do with the War .
6 Griffith-Boscawen introduced in 1912 a Bill to make improvement grants for rural housing , a proposal that provided a Unionist response to Lloyd George 's Land Campaign .
7 Even before the war with Spain ended in 1609 the Dutch were preparing to attack various parts of the empire the Portuguese had built up in the Indian Ocean in the previous hundred years , stretching as far east as Java and the other Spice Islands near it , and later on they also attacked the Portuguese possessions in Brazil .
8 Then Chrysler announced in 1953 a slimmer , shorter , more compact and parkable car to meet modern conditions .
9 It is unfortunate that the team headed by Olive Tunstall feel the need to launch into a personal attack on Heim , however , saying that ‘ we consider that Heim acted in such a way as to reduce the credibility of the profession ’ .
10 When Mr Ramsay died in 1943 the Leaders paid tribute to one who was greatly loved : ‘ Testimony was given to his worth and zeal in the work and all that pertained to the welfare of the church , and particularly to his services in the choir and his love for the weekly prayer meeting . ’
11 Whatever the chronology , when Clovis died in 511 the Frankish kingdom was certainly the most powerful kingdom in Gaul , and he was apparently the favoured western ally of the Byzantine emperor Anastasius .
12 When the Bastille fell in 1789 a wave of euphoria swept over Europe ; William Blake , blending together millennial hopes and biblical imagery , demonstrates the emotional release provided by the success of two revolutions accomplished overseas and the hope of a third to follow in England itself :
13 ( In fact , following the abortive takeover , GEC and Plessey announced in 1987 the formation of a joint company : GEC Plessey Telecommunications ( GPT ) to develop System X. ) The fear was that if the two companies , both minnows in the international market ( refer to Table 2.1 ) failed to pool their resources they would sink further down the list of world telecommunications manufacturers .
14 This is exemplified by a circular dome-shaped bead from Ur shaped in such a way as to expose one of the pale layers as a ring close to the perimeter .
15 In the Wallowa valley , Old Joseph tore in two the piece of paper he called the Thief Treaty .
16 In a Don Featherstone South Bank Show ( LWT ) of high quality and unusual form , the novelist Thomas Keneally recreated in 1989 a research trip through Eritrea which he made in 1987 while gestating his new book Towards Asmara .
17 But some might care to reflect that driver Jack Mills died in 1970 a broken man .
18 The ACPS saw in this a double deterrent : the deterrent element of actual custody , and a postponed deterrence during the suspension period .
19 For when Chapman arrived in 1925 the Gunners were finding First Division survival a hard struggle .
20 When Iraq withdrew in 1958 the Pact was succeeded by the Central Treaty Organisation ( CENTO ) , which was reinforced by the conclusion of bilateral military agreements between the United States and respectively Iran , Turkey and Pakistan early in 1959 .
21 When Peter died in 1213 the pope took over the wardship of his son , James I , chose his councillors and constituted his government , against the ambitions of Simon de Montfort .
22 ‘ It is terrible that Alison O'Shaughnessy died in such a brutal way and her family has our heartfelt sympathy .
23 However , after Joseph Parker died in 1902 the City Temple invited Campbell to take his place .
24 Some versions substituted for the front pair a .5 Browning heavy machine gun , and some jeeps had a single Vickers fitted in such a way that the driver could operate it .
25 Preliminary details of international trade published by GATT on Feb. 28 , 1989 , had shown that of the world 's three major trading countries the USA experienced in 1988 a 2.5 per cent increase in merchandise trade exports by volume in 1988 and a 6.5 per cent rise in imports ; corresponding respective figures for West Germany were 7.5 and 6.5 per cent and for Japan 4 and 16.5 per cent .
26 Thus the EC adopted in 1970 the Werner Plan which envisaged the creation of a European monetary union through " the irrevocable fixing of parities and the total liberalisation of capital movement , " by 1980 .
27 Christian completed in 1944 a full-length book entitled Burma and the Japanese Invader .
28 Crowe put in that the symbolists of Van Gogh 's time had supposed there was a universal language of colour , a primary language , a divine alphabet of colours and forms .
29 Because of the singlet condition I know that unc for B implies unc for A , so that A certainly has unc and it must be in one of the two states unc or unc From this sort of consideration , and some combinatorial mathematics which I will not inflict upon you here , John Bell deduced in 1964 an experimentally testable consequence ( see Appendix , A9 ) .
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