Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] be [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 She was on her own : Dr Neil had been called out some time ago to attend a woman in childbirth , and Matey had gone to visit an old friend in St John 's Wood , and she was the sole mistress of the doctor 's house in Vetch Street .
2 The Goths had been forced out of central Europe by Hun pressure from the east .
3 Molly had been laying out the lunch on the terrace .
4 Edwina faced being moved out because she could n't get on with Eddie , the tawny owl at The Grange veterinary surgery , Darlington .
5 Ireland had been slipping out of Britain 's grasp — Sinn Fein had almost swept the board in the local elections , they had set up their own provisional government in Dublin and in some areas of the country theirs was the only authority recognised — and , on top of all that , in September alone there had been over two thousand IRA arms raids .
6 The Whigs , however , remained insistent that there should be no peace until the Bourbons had been driven out of Spain .
7 Finally , as Pete had been opening out the canvas deck cover on a relaunched Fairline Fury while Ted paced the dock alongside , he 'd looked up at his employer and said , ‘ You really want to know ? ’
8 There was no reason , except chance , why I should ever have travelled to live in a remote island on the other side of the world , for my future in England had been mapped out .
9 Only a few days earlier England had been knocked out of the World Cup by West Germany .
10 And I remember the family story of how on the eve of my grandmother 's wedding day her elder brother Ted had been locked out by her father and had broken a window to get in .
11 Salisbury had been laid out in the thirteenth century , rather in the fashion of the twentieth century garden cities .
12 Dick Crossman had been kept out of office or the expectation of it by both Attlee , who could not forgive him for resisting Bevin 's policy towards Palestine , and his successor .
13 The last time Ballater had been in the cottage was just before Miss Marshall had been forced out of it by her rapacious relatives , backed up by the insensitive local general practitioner who agreed she could n't cope .
14 Mitcham Road depôt in Aurelia Road , West Croydon , remained closed and empty , the connecting curve , which joined the main road towards Mitcham had been taken out on 8 December 1935 .
15 By 1814 , with the war in the Peninsula ended and the arrival of 10,000 Spanish troops under General Morillo , the prospects for independence were gloomy ; Bolívar had been driven out of Venezuela and New Granada was about to be recaptured .
16 The ex MFV had been fitted out to be self sufficient in every way , with the latest navigational aids , long range fuel and water tanks and a very comprehensively fitted out workshop on board for mechanical and other repairs .
17 The Life of Johnson makes plain how Boswell had been staking out the ground since their early acquaintance , making notes immediately after each meeting of what he himself was eventually to ‘ consider the peculiar value ’ of the Life , ‘ that is , the quantity it contains of Johnson 's conversation ’ .
18 By contrast , Wafa stated , the killings in Egypt had been carried out by people " who have nothing to do with the PLO " .
19 One source said last night : ‘ To a large extent Mr Dunn had been squeezed out . ’
20 For several years France had been carrying out nuclear weapons tests on the remote Pacific island of Moruroa in the Pacific .
21 Thus the offensive , in support of which the last series of raids by the SAS had been carried out , was a failure .
22 Sabine Jourdain had been killed because of what she was prepared to say , Barbara Coleman had been kept out of the way because of what she knew and Rain was to be killed before she could publish the story .
23 Tommy had been fitted out by Count Albert Casimir in a very handsome crimson silk suit with a jacket laced hussar fashion , with gold .
24 Ruth thought Mrs Carson had been put out by something other than her small misdemeanour .
25 At what they supposed to be the rendezvous they sat down to wait , unaware that a relief patrol of the LRDG had been sent out to pick them up — from a different place .
26 Oswald had been handing out leaflets in New Orleans saying Fair Play For The Cuba Committee . ’
27 George had been tried out in a variety of parts , but each time he stepped on the stage he would stand with his legs and arms splayed out and drone monotonously .
28 There was then the general context , RAWP had been sorted out , our other strategy had to be priority care , and we had to fund geographical equity and care group equity .
29 Midge had been waiting out in the studio for five hours , fortified by cups of tea brought to her by the friendly police constables .
30 Flaherty said to be sure this was true , although he misremembered the last time they 'd been called on to supply them , it being all of two years since the Wolfkings had been driven out by the Gruagach .
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