Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 But he would not be drawn about the prospect of being reunited with his estranged wife Becky or his affection for former girlfriend Arabella Tait .
2 Thanks also to Lynn Inglis and her team for the many newsletters they produced to such a high standard .
3 ‘ What d' you two young buggers want ? ’ he grinned , as he fastened the buckle of his wide leather belt ‘ We 're taking Molly and her mate for a picnic Selwyn , ’ Yanto replied Selwyn 's nut brown , weathered face split into another grin .
4 The seminar was designed to explain the significance of LNG to LASMO and its potential for growth .
5 Until the United States sanctions on Nicaragua and its backing for the Contra war come to an end , these limitations on living standards will continue to affect prisoners as much as they affect the rest of the population .
6 Thus , he acquainted himself with the meanings of the songs he heard them singing , songs of love and emigration ; with inheritances and alliances between these western chieftains ; with the size and topography of Raasay and its suitability for animal husbandry .
7 Representatives of tourism interests in the valley were invited and met over lunch to talk about the HCIMA and its work for the industry worldwide .
8 His troubles in 1971 , however , were not just the March and his propensity for accidents : the fact was that he was now an experienced F3 driver , known to be quick , but by the nature of the formula was racing against a lot of people who were just beginners and knew far less than he did about the sport .
9 For all his admiration of the Shah and his disdain for President Carter , Marenches did not suggest France as a possible destination .
10 We apologise to Mr Williams and his family for any embarrassment caused by the error .
11 This was a very important speech in developing the plot of the play because it tells you much more about the slightly muddled character of Brutus and his reason for killing Caesar ( to help the public ) .
12 Recognizing the impracticality of such an action it opted for a series of initiatives which were consistent with its fight against apartheid in South Africa and its fight for the presentation of a positive image for black people in the UK .
13 The Arabian peninsula , unified within the GCC and its support for the multi-national force and the core for the proposed new security arrangements , now confronts a fragmented Levant and an increasingly hostile North Africa .
14 Then there is the alarmingly bequiffed Brian Walden and his weakness for answering his own questions and his ‘ notorious ’ summaries — the tell-tale preface is ‘ Let's just see if I understand you . ’
15 [ Annie E. Ridley , Frances Mary Buss and her Work for Education , 1895 ; Sara Burstall , Frances Mary Buss , 1938 ; Josephine Kamm , How Different from Us , 1959 ; Margaret Forster , Significant Sisters , 1984 . ]
16 The only problem is knowing where to begin and a good place to start is at one of the best known fishing hotels in the north , Scourie Hotel , owned and managed by Ian Hay and his family for more than thirty years .
17 Considerable credit must go to the superb Gary Moore and his band for underpinning the whole evening with some musically adept ducking and diving , particularly during the unpredictable Buddy Guy 's set .
18 Perhaps she was still too much like Miss Harker and her kind for him to feel comfortable .
19 our faith that all human beings are loved equally by God and our desire for all to know God 's love in Christ
20 These are some of the ways in which we may expect the Spirit of God to illuminate not only the person of God but his will for us .
21 The first Leopold heard of it was when his son coolly informed him that he was accompanying Aloysia and her father for a few days to visit the Princess of Orange at Kircheim-Bolanden , where Aloysia was to sing several arias that Wolfgang had written for her .
22 She surveyed Nona and her preparation for a picnic .
23 She remembers going with me to fetch Greg and his trunk for the Easter vacation , and of meeting Big Bob the porter who remembered her Daddy too .
24 Taskopruzade includes in his account , however , between Molla Husrev 's appointments on the death of Hizir Bey and his departure for Bursa , a considerable amount of material more or less related to Molla Husrev 's activities in these capacities , enough to make it improbable in the extreme that he held the offices for so short a period .
25 Here , if we anticipate the arguments of later chapters , we would find Henry Fielding already mulling over the fall of decadent Rome and its lesson for Old England , and warning in his Enquiry into the Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers ( 1751 ) of the disastrous effects of ‘ too frequent and expensive diversions among the lower kind of people ’ .
26 It was Minton , not Vaughan , who was asked to judge competitions , who drew drawings for the Tribune pamphlet The Jews at Home by Woodrow Wyatt , MP ; Minton who was invited by the British Tourist Authority to illustrate their official booklet on London and whose design for the ‘ Christmas Books Number ’ appeared , with a Picassoesque lamp on the cover of The Listener on 9 December 1948 .
27 The variety of guests present , who included Chamorro 's Presidency Minister Antonio Lacayo Oyanguren , Joaquín Villalobos , the leader of the general command of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) in El Salvador , Luís Inácio da Silva ( " Lula " ) , president of the Workers ' Party ( PT ) in Brazil , and Guatemala 's former President Vinicio Cerezo Arévalo , was seen as reflecting different political currents within the FSLN and its desire for increased political respectability .
28 NHM has the URICA system , and is considering using JANET or its successor for electronic data exchange .
29 And organiser Billy Neill said : ‘ We would also like to thank Crusaders chairman Jim Semple and his committee for delaying the re-seeding of their pitch to allow the game to take place . ’
30 The authority also expressed its deeepest sympathy for Miss Howard and its admiration for her courage .
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