Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Husameddin , without citing a relevant source , confidently associates Molla Fenari 's appointment to the kadilik with Bayezid I 's purge of the kadis of Anadolu and dates the latter event in 795/1392–3 .
2 Or come in over Starr Hills and do the same . ’
3 Ana had beamed at this and Mitch had looked stunned , especially as Felipe had almost choked over the necessity to say Mitch and extend the same courtesy to both his guests .
4 Tim inspected Oliver and saw the same accusation .
5 Like the palace in his exotic novel , Vathek ( 1786 ) , Fonthill Abbey both resembled Babel and suffered the same fate .
6 This does not mean that we all display the same feelings about God or become the same temperamental type .
7 Had you been living in Oxford and asking the same question I think well then it 's erm you know , it 's obviously a very valid question .
8 From one quotation ( 4.35.4 ) we learn that Procles compared Alexander with Pyrrhus and found the former superior in fortune , but the latter a better tactician .
9 Corbett did not go through Edinburgh but took the same route as he had earlier followed , skirting the city , plodding his way through marsh and bog till he reached the clean , white sanctity of the Abbey .
10 The bid comes nearly 13 years after Unigate made its first , unsuccessful , attempt to buy Clifford and follows the latter 's announcement in October of a 60 per cent drop in first-half profits to £1.03 million .
11 She is the daughter of Medau June Thomas and attends the same class as Sarah .
12 ‘ I 've still got the Rick and use the same stacks I had with Hawkwind ; I wo n't change them .
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