Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun prp] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Now what a training performance this would be if this horse could win because he 's trained by Dermott Wilde and do you remember ten days ago he sent out Vintage Crop to win the Melbourne Cup down in Australia .
2 By 1887 , however , he had tried the existing Sunderland Union and found it wanting .
3 It is Gina who meets you at La Sabina and arranges your cab to your holiday home or your hire car .
4 We buy two pints of Taylor Walker and take them out on to the rear balcony .
5 Forty two-year-old Diane was a medical writer who became obsessed with Dr Murray Brennan and pursued him and his wife in a relentless eight year campaign .
6 As no doubt the teams are ready to take the field , it only remains for me to extend a warm welcome to the directors , players and boisterous supporters of Scrimley Arsenal and wish you all an enjoyable afternoon .
7 As a result Denis hit old Jock Lennox by accident , who fell on top of Pat Kelly and spilled his drink .
8 While the Greed Is Good League threatens to fall apart — and who cares ? — while England 's team is outplayed in Spain , cricket 's selectors drop David Gower and hurl themselves into a whirlpool of crazy contradictions .
9 I was more than mildly impressed with Miss Semmens and decided I would certainly have to see her again — and soon .
10 " Say " Goodbye " nicely to Miss Nicandra and thank her for coming to pay you a little visit . "
11 On the contrary , it proved , beyond any doubt , that the Templars were familiar with the Atbash Cipher and employed it in their own obscure , heterodox rites .
12 In 1861 another private company founded the Great Northern Cemetery at Colney Hatch and served it by rail from King 's Cross .
13 It drew to an end in April 1964 with Mr Mandela 's four-hour speech from the dock , in which he defended the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe and said he had done what he did for the ideal of a free and democratic society , ‘ an ideal for which I am prepared to die ’ .
14 Anne and Heywood Hill , of the bookshop in Curzon Street , lived at number 10 Warwick Avenue and told them that the lease next door was for sale .
15 She glanced at Miss Florence and shook her head , saying , ‘ I 've …
16 Executive secretary : David Stephen Muduuli was appointed in October 1990 to work alongside Makonnen Kebret and to succeed him from Jan. 22 , 1991 .
17 Offering the meagre purse of local gossip , news from Buttermere , Nicholson spoke about Mr Skelton 's plans for building a large stone manor house in the area ; dwelt longingly on the prospect of Miss Skelton and said something about the wrestling which included a mention of Mary of Buttermere and a young man from the north of the county walking thirty or forty miles just to see her and make his feelings known to her .
18 During Italia '90 , Taylor saw how player power influenced Bobby Robson and wanted none of that .
19 In the days of the Raj , British passengers on the Rajputana State Railway received enviable attention : this handbook is a personalized itinerary for Miss Baring and warns her that she may be kept awake by one train driver 's ‘ unpleasant whistle ’ .
20 TODAY Lord Tebbit will be at Broadcasting House to meet Sue Lawley and select his Radio 4 Desert Island Discs for broadcast on Sunday week .
21 Ambulance men stemmed the flow of blood from 19-year-old David Mellor and packed his arm in cool bags before taking him to Warrington hospital .
22 Nicholas and Robin Higgs had approached Neil McEvoy and suggested he break into David Jamison 's room at the house they shared in Kensington Road , Middlesbrough , to teach him a lesson .
23 In the morning she will be showing a film illustrating the work of Veronica Sherborne and follow it with a discussion .
24 ( He was clearly influenced by Andrea Gabrieli and influenced him in turn , as he did Giovanni who served under him in the Munich choir from c. 1575 to 1579 . )
25 On entering the dining room , Hope had manoeuvred himself next to Miss D'Arcy and given her to understand that he was overwhelmed at the self-control of her behaviour in the face of such insensitivity as that displayed by the over-enthusiastic Mrs Crump who , nevertheless and for the sake of harmony , had to be tolerated — if not forgiven .
26 Sooner or later she would have to stand before the Mother Superior and confess what she had done , but even that awful prospect could n't quell her joy just then .
27 And nuns , I thought , would probably go to bed fairly late , so I rang the convent , asked to speak to the Mother Superior and explained my problem .
28 He found the letter of introduction to Monsieur Messidor and tossed it into the dustbin .
29 We 'd better go to Miss Miggs and tell her what happened .
30 Since I had collected a handsome pay-out from Ladbrokes a year earlier with money on Alesi I thought it only fair to 'phone Ken Tyrrell and tell him the odds .
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