Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] see [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He said but David only saw the surface .
2 Because they had both anticipated , not a fight , but a long , hard ride neither of them was wearing a hauberk and as William levelled his lance Richard suddenly saw the danger he was in .
3 In spite of some clergy who are ‘ not appreciative of art or excellence ’ , the Church in the United States still sees the need to train musicians as a pastoral priority .
4 Lucy also saw the plan Doreen had in mind , but she doubted that it had much to do with married couples in search of outdoor adventure .
5 Shearer also sees the centre as ‘ working towards our own version of the Children 's Charter — every child has a right to be able to breathe properly .
6 In the 12th minute , Oliver Schafer fired a low angled shot past Chris Woods only to see the ball hit a post .
7 It 's a bit of poetry by the poet in which he er says that Pythagoras once saw a puppy being beaten and said er , do n't beat that puppy , that 's a good friend of mine , I recognize his voice .
8 Graham immediately saw the disappointment in Laidlaw 's eyes .
9 Before considering even those issues , however , there is one more very obvious question to ask : which is why Tolkien never saw The Silmarillion into print himself , and why the Unfinished Tales remained unfinished .
10 October also saw the arrival of the much discussed cushions what will we talk about now that ?
11 In most histories the massacre is said to mark the end of Mughal Delhi 's greatness , yet Khan clearly sees the invasion as only a temporary setback for the city .
12 The third week in August usually sees the start of what is known as the Munster Circuit , four Championship Shows in seven days .
13 And August also sees the amalgamation of the Fontana and Grafton lists
14 You do n't need a line to God now to see the way things are going .
15 Mrs Frizzell immediately saw the relevance of his advice and began to look more like her normal self .
16 No figures were given and no equity is involved , but MTI clearly sees the investment as a payment for partnership .
17 A second lorry driver Peter Walling later saw a man naked from the waist up scramble up the river bank but disappear when he saw the lorry .
18 Roosevelt correctly saw the verdict of the election as reform rather than revolution .
19 During this war , the skies over Britain often saw a lot of aerial activity , and many planes fell to the ground damaged or in flames .
20 Burton certainly saw the part as a ‘ catch ’ in the competitive stakes .
21 Through William Agnew 's painting , and the notice it received , the Building Fund ( Agnew 's brainchild ) got off to a splendid start , and Agnew 's energy and his business contacts throughout Glasgow soon saw the Fund grow quickly .
22 Sheila Nash also saw the accident on television .
23 Two-thirds of those visitors came to New York specifically to see the Seurat show .
24 Looking back , Galbraith now sees the book as having had three forms of influence .
25 Actaeon sees and Actaeon is torn , wrote Harsnet , but Ovid in his exile by the Black Sea neither sees the Goddess nor is torn by the dogs .
26 ‘ It 's all very well you saying that , but do you realise that Micky only saw the script ten days ago ?
27 Even afterwards at Four Winds , where a marquee had been set up on the lawn , and the guests mingled , Merrill still saw the affair as a disjointed series of impressions .
28 Even so , Strange still sees the issue in macro terms — as something which would be responsive to a general alteration in policy .
29 June also saw the beginning of the second successive hot , dry summer , with consumers recognising the versatility of pork products for the barbeque and to serve with salads .
30 The same 10 June also saw the launch of the one-day Capitalcard giving ( after the morning peak ) unlimited travel on BR , London Underground , London Buses and ( in due course ) Docklands Light Railway .
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