Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun pl] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Member States of the Community have hitherto been prepared to sacrifice effectiveness for uniformity , to replace superior domestic policies with inferior EEC policies for the sake of integration .
2 Pursuant to the reply that the Minister gave earlier to the hon. Member for Ross , Cromarty and Skye ( Mr. Kennedy ) , and as there has been much speculation that there will be no GATT settlement at all this year , will the Minister confirm that , should there be no GATT settlement , he will oppose the MacSharry proposals for the rest of this year ?
3 To ask the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food when he last met the National Farmers Union to discuss the MacSharry proposals for the reform of the common agricultural policy .
4 The Beeching proposals for the railways ( figure 6.2 ) can be compared with the 1982–83 rail network ( figure 6.3 ) although , as with bus services , the network itself may not be as crucial as the frequency and cost of train journeys .
5 STILL admirably sticking to their principles , the Hernandez Brothers recently turned down a very large sum from Warner Brothers for the rights to make a film of the Love And Rockets comic .
6 SVM Partnership , who designed the new room , recommended Osram lamps for the installation .
7 GREEN singer Sinitta heads for the country to launch a flower-power revival .
8 TONY ADAMS heads for the World Cup heights boosted by George Graham 's belief that he can become one of the greatest Arsenal captains of all time .
9 Tuesday Lectures for the Autumn
10 New for 1993 is a suite of WordPerfect applications for the IBM OS/2 operating system .
11 Develop strategies with Regional CPD Officers for the furtherance of continuing professional development.E
12 His Highnesse the Prince of Orange ( whom it hath pleased Almighty God to make the glorious Instrument of delivering this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power ) Did ( by the advice of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and divers principall persons of the Commons ) Cause Letters to be written to the Lords Spirituall and Temporall being Protestants and other Letters to the several Count yes Citties Universities Burroughs and Cinqe Ports for the chuseing of such persons to represent them as were of right to be sent to Parliament to meet and sitt at Westminster upon the two and twentieth day of January in this Year 1688 in order to such an establishment as that their Religion Lawes and Libertyes might not againe be in danger of being subverted .
13 In the latter year he also published the massive and learned Northamptonshire Families for the Victoria County History ( 2 vols . ) .
14 In 1940 , Jacques was finally appointed as a joint secretary to the Rural Areas Committee to represent WEA interests for the District 's Chapter III courses and through this overdue gesture formal recognition was given to the District 's indispensable position in the provision of liberal adult education in the region .
15 Following the annual challenge between the Stoke and Fleetwood depots for the team prize , captain of the winning Stoke team , Maintenance Fitter , John Caine accepted the Jack Salford Trophy from main sponsor , Jack Salford .
16 His prospective father-in-law , Viscount Petersham , used to work as a stable lad and was famous for bare fist fighting coal workers on Friday evenings for the week 's wage packet .
17 Chelsea chairman Ken Bates , negotiating with landlords Cabra Estates for the club 's 12-acre West London headquarters , has tried to reduce his outlay by buying SB Property , the Cabra subsidiary that owns the Bridge .
18 On July 30 , ANC secretary-general Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed that as a result of Vance 's mediatory efforts , the two sides had met to discuss the release of remaining political prisoners , one of the ANC conditions for the resumption of constitutional talks .
19 JOKER … but there will be no clowning glory for Gower he 's been snubbed by the England selectors for the winter tour of the sub-continent
20 Used in conjunction with Neidhart fillings for the Snugpak ‘ Softie ’ range of sleeping bags .
21 Anticipating industrial action the West Ham Trades Council established a committee to confer with the SCS on the best means of guaranteeing adequate supplies of food in the Stratford stores for the families of strikers ( SE 4 October 19 ) .
22 Those standing by the IBM shares for the sake of the thumping 6% plus yield now recognise that the dividend is safe only so long as the present management team is in place — and few would gamble much now on John Akers and his cronies seeing the year out .
23 Part of those resources were raised from the sale of NHS facilities for the treatment of private patients .
24 We thanked the WO officials for the time and trouble they had taken to discuss all these issues with us .
25 Some are run by Age Concern or WRVS groups for the council .
26 Hundreds of JS staff cross the road every day from Rennie and Wakefield Houses on one side to Drury and Stamford Houses for the staff restaurant on the other .
27 concurrently with his numerous other interests Taylor was running the Grassington Mines for the Duke of Devonshire .
28 And they say they have the support of Station Road traders for the scheme .
29 Paul Traynor heads for the hills with seven mid-sized rucksacks , ideal for long hostel-based routes or shorter backpacking trips .
30 Al-Ahram reported on Oct. 2 that a " preliminary solution " had been reached over Libya 's failure to comply with UN demands for the extradition of two Lockerbie bombing suspects [ see pp. 38883 ; 39072 ] .
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