Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun pl] [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Acting attorney general Stuart Gerson and FBI director William Sessions declined to identify the man held , named by a TV station as Salama Mohammed , 26 .
2 On Friday 29 January around 150 guests , together with employees from LTS 's Aberdeen and Lincoln offices gathered to witness the official opening of the Company 's new facility at Kirkhill Industrial Estate in Dyce , Aberdeen .
3 RSPCA inspectors had combatted the vicious ‘ sport ’ of dog fighting in the region with 14 convictions compared to five in 1990 .
4 One statement to which we take a major issue is that Dista Products failed to inform the Committee on Safety of Medicines about the way the drug behaved in the body of certain very elderly patients and that thus information was withheld from doctors for a period of 14 months from June 1981 .
5 Justifiably or not , the Soviet Union in the later Brezhnev years had provided no advertisement for socialism , and even communist parties in other countries had felt compelled to distance themselves from the Soviet model and the heritage of Leninism .
6 Warning that workers at the mine could suffer from silicosis and that dust from the mine could have a devastating effect on the local soil chemistry , Mr Wilson said it was cheaper to manufacture andalusite artificially , and wondered why Navan Resources wished to go the expense of mining it : ‘ To make it in any way economically feasible to mine this , it would have to represent over 30 per cent of the total of the rock formation of the mountain and this means that almost one third of your mountain would disappear ’ .
7 Apart from the evidence of bloodstained items such as the fender , the flat iron and the shoes , the Surrey Police had retrieved a pair of Shill 's bloodstained trousers from John Turner 's house .
8 Officers of merchant ships were particularly vulnerable if they did not have in their possession a written protection from impressment issued by the Admiralty , and David Scott was enabled to oblige both Provost Watt of Forfar and several influential merchants of Dundee by securing the freedom of Peter Brown , the mate of the ship John and Nancy of Dundee , though in this case the Dundee magistrates had to provide an able seaman as a replacement for Brown before he was freed from the pressing tender .
9 Along with the main cargo , however , Small Gains had shipped a quantity of tiles .
10 There was no mention of a ceasefire , and at Sudanese government insistence the two SPLA factions had dropped a demand for a referendum on " self-determination " for the south of Sudan .
11 The Khmers Rouges had boycotted the MMWG for three months .
12 On Aug. 16 , the Khmers Rouges had issued a statement insisting that Pol Pot , author of the 1975-79 reign of terror in Cambodia , had definitely retired .
13 The new parliament would have 240 seats instead of the 400 in the outgoing Grand National Assembly , to which Bulgaria 's first free elections had been held in June 1990 [ see pp. 37543-44 ] , and in which the BSP had held 211 seats to the UDF 's 144 ; BSP and UDF deputies had formed a coalition government in December 1990 [ see p. 37923 ] .
14 Mr Sargent said that the elephant was at Dublin on loan and the Chester authorities had given an undertaking that the animal would be taken back if it could not be happily accommodated .
15 The Efta states agreed to make a contribution to the Community budget in return for participation in the market .
16 Mind you , there was one right blarney when Mains decided that a rugby writer of the Otago Daily Times had harmed the Otago rugby cause , and there was a bitter no-speaks stand-off until good sense later prevailed .
17 An agreement on family reunions and the exchange of art troupes which was reached at Red Cross talks in October 1989 [ for which see p. 36975 ] broke down Nov. 27 when the South Koreans refused to allow the revolutionary opera " The Flower Girl " to be performed in Seoul , the South Korean capital , saying that its content was political and contrary to Red Cross principles [ see p. 37041 ] .
18 Accordingly the fast-sailing Brixham smacks arrived to purchase the fish and race them to Portsmouth .
19 On Scotland 's Grand Slam night in 1984 , for instance , some England supporters tried to steal a soup tureen from what was then the Claret Jug in Great King Street .
20 A collection of jeeps and small Toyota pick-ups waited to ferry the arriving passengers to the town .
21 Eventually the South Africans withdrew to avoid a public squabble .
22 In parallel , but quite independent of Burton , a group of North Americans began to make an explicit attempt to replace the ‘ statecentric ’ model , with a ‘ transnational relations ’ model , focused more on transnational interactions and organizations .
23 After the series in Australia , Mike Brearley announced that he would not be able to tour in 1980–1 as he wanted to continue his studies in psychoanalysis , and the England selectors decided to appoint a new captain for the start of the 1980 rubber .
24 The Mond — Turner talks attempted to form a common alliance between the employers and the unions on such matters as unemployment , outlining remedies such a development fund , colonial development , more liberal trade facilities , export credits , augmented pensions for those retiring at sixty-five , the raising of the school-leaving age , and , above all , ‘ the substitution of modern plant and techniques for existing machinery and methods ’ — in consultation with the unions and with measures ... for safeguarding workers displaced by rationalization . ’
25 The chief reason why the May events failed to transform the industrial relations structure — let alone society as a whole — is the behaviour of the CGT and the Communist Party .
26 A spokesman said UN authorities had lodged a strong protest with the Belgrade authorities over the Yugoslav military war games in mid-March when troops crossed the Danube to land on Croatian territory .
27 Shortly after they entered the embassy the Beijing authorities had issued a warrant for their arrest for their involvement in the " disturbances " .
28 A team of ballistic missiles experts headed by Douglas Englund , who had earlier been forced to abandon their mission [ see p. 38451 ] , arrived on Oct. 1 following the government 's approval of helicopter flights , and on Oct. 8 Englund announced that UN inspectors had completed the destruction of Iraq 's first " super-gun " [ see pp. 37332 ; 37390-91 ; 37471 ; 38361 ] as part of a programme to supervise the demolition of 28 declared Iraqi missile launch sites .
29 There was further evidence of this on March 1 when the four Premiers of the country 's Atlantic provinces met to explore the concept of creating an informal " common market " by eliminating trade barriers between them .
30 The large forces that most NATO countries fielded to guard the alliance against the Warsaw Pact provided enough flexibility to deal with most crises outside Europe , such as the Gulf war .
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