Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun sg] [pron] [verb] off " in BNC.

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1 Early on an August Saturday morning they set off at a great pace on the west side of the reservoir with the intention of following the ten mile bridleway right round the reservoir to a pub , where they planned to arrive two hours after opening time .
2 A UN convoy which set off for Srebrenica yesterday was turned back by Serbian police backed up by an armoured car .
3 And so it was then , that on a cold , Tuesday October evening I set off for my first match …
4 We 're giving away 120 tickets to see the band live on their UK tour which kicks off next month .
5 Of the 133 RAF aircrew who took off on the night of May 16 , 56 failed to return .
6 And er they happen came along er to tell us about the Aberystwyth trip we went off to Aberystwyth the students gave us a party and he said , Oh I like your meetings I wish I could come here more often .
7 Another report tells of a Mrs Yvonne Bliss who fell off a boat in the West Indies .
8 He 's Woodleigh 's cousin , and his heir , of course , unless that 's the older Horbury brother who ran off to Australia years ago and has never been heard of since .
9 But once you have unfolded an ordnance survey map and made the cheese and pickle sandwiches , it 's hard to change your mind , and so on a hot June day I set off up the zig-zagging tourist path from Glen Nevis at ten o'clock in the morning .
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