Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb -s] at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One advantage Bedfordshire has at this time was that packages such as SIR , EDFAX and COMMUNITEL were being piloted in the country and one librarian was involved in a Prestel project .
2 President , the whole economic af future of Tyneside stands at this minute in the balance .
3 Hussein hints at more freedom
4 Like Juvenal , Duncan realizes At this point enters Macbeth , the new Thane of Cawdor , a double irony that critics have long relished .
5 Paperback preview 1993 Sarah Broadbent looks at this year 's most promising titles — the giants , the high-flyers , the major titles and the ones to watch , the literary titles , fiction and non-fiction .
6 Newton seems at that time to have accepted a variant of the ethereal vortices that Descartes had set rotating around the Sun to carry the Earth and the planets in orbital motion .
7 ‘ Many things ’ , Gustave writes at this time , ‘ have been predicted to me : 1 ) that I 'll learn to dance ; 2 ) that I 'll marry .
8 John Butcher says at this moment a man on bail for rape is on the run ine the Midlands .
9 Bersani arrives at this position because he sees gay male sexuality as enacting insights into sexuality per se which heterosexual culture has to repress ruthlessly ( above , Chapter 17 ) .
10 There are many reasons for this , which Romaine discusses at some length .
11 She then stayed with us , and got a taxi for me to Victoria , which was taking Hastings trains at that time .
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