Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb -s] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 AT&T Co 's Tuxedo transaction processing monitor — now with Unix System Laboratories Inc — seems to have lost out to NCR Corp 's Top End in the acquisition , and now NCR wants Top End to be more widely used .
2 The fact that it is Chelmsford adds some spice to the game as local derbies are always more interesting . ’
3 He is to stop the ship , speak to Queen Yolande and not allow her to leave the Firth of Forth until Corbett has satisfactory answers to questions which intrigue even me .
4 Miss Bhutto wants new elections to the assemblies .
5 Peter Marshall moves up one place to No 6 and Chris Walker climbs three places to No 7 .
6 Gilligan relates this difference to the differing social roles and relationships of men and women .
7 Engels discusses certain objections to Morgan 's scheme , especially the presence of long-term pairing among animals , but he argues that such evidence from non-human animals is irrelevant to human systems .
9 Brussels brings cold comfort to sheep farmers .
10 Often a national cuisine is best accompanied by wines from the same country , and Spain offers wonderful choices to the wine-conscious gourmet .
12 The ANC has worthy successors to him , but he has become a symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle .
13 Euro Disney opens its £2bn theme for a dream Wary French make the Mickey Mouse connection Jenny Rees joins first-day visitors to the Enchanted Kingdom
14 The economic situation in Russia bears many similarities to Germany in the 1920s and we all know what followed in the l930s .
15 Once the treaty is signed , an independent Banque de France is a first step , for Maastricht requires central banks to be given independence by 1999 .
16 Soviet deputies moderate pace of economic change Ryzhkov takes safe route to reforms .
17 While Adorno confines this category to ‘ serious ’ music , Paddison points out that there seems no reason why it could not include a good deal of avant-garde jazz and such rock groups as Frank Zappa 's Mothers of Invention the Velvet Underground , and — he might have added — some post-punk bands .
18 By the end of this scene , however , Terentia expresses fulsome gratitude to Dycarbas for saving her from an uncle who had wanted to steal her inheritance .
19 In his finely written record , Mark Frankland gives due weight to all these factors .
20 Beck devotes more space to this project than any other and rightly so because it was here that Jacopo della Quercia poured forth his genius in psychologically charged narratives and compelling statuary .
21 As does The German Ideology , Formen makes ample reference to the ancient or classical type of society based on the city state .
22 Although she lives in Rome , Nancy makes regular trips to England .
23 The scenic Antrim Coast Road offers easy access to the Nine Glens of Antrim — Glenarm , Glencloy , Glenarriff , Glenballeamon , Glenann , Glencorp , Glendun , Glenshesk and Glentaise .
24 In the Supersport 600 championship Joey has 121 points to Derek Young 's 106 .
25 Lautro has two solutions to the mess .
26 Roy has two claims to attention in the Palace records .
27 ANDY PARKES of Blandford has another solution to the plant protection problem
28 Robinson has one fault to be ironed out .
29 Lewis added : ‘ On the face of it … the decision does look heartless because Morris has natural aspirations to captain England and his own county appear to be cutting them down .
30 Candy who lives at Ashbury near Wantage has 35 winners to her name .
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