Example sentences of "[noun prp] [was/were] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly Auld was of the opinion that the Tyndale incident could have been avoided if the authority had taken a wider view of its role .
2 Sir Frank Stenton was of the opinion that with Aethelbald 's accession ‘ the history of southern England enters upon a new phase ’ .
3 In his report into what is known as ‘ the Profumo Affair ’ in 1963 , Lord Denning was of the view that the term' ‘ subversive ’ should relate to ‘ people who would contemplate the overthrow of government by unlawful means ’ .
4 Cave J. was of the opinion that whether the judgment was satisfied or not , the respondent was , by reason of the agreement , not entitled to issue execution for any sum on the judgment .
5 very little fighting in Derry was of the hand to hand nature .
6 Dr Johnson was of the view that there were a lot of mouths , especially in the families with thirteen children , that God had forgotten to feed .
7 Whereas Jaq was of the Malleus and a daemonhunter .
8 As has been shown above , however , Fahreddin Acemi was of the period of Murad II and Mehmed II , not of Murad I ; and there is no record that he was ever kadi of Bursa .
9 Keynes 's lowest estimate for the minimum unemployment rate for interwar Britain was of the order of 5% ( see R. F. Kahn , 1975 ) .
10 No wonder the great common lawyer Blackstone was of the opinion that " the rigour and arbitrary proceedings of excise laws seem hardly compatible with the temper of a free nation " .
11 Jean-Claude was of the opinion that all Jews were rich , part of an international conspiracy and deserving , therefore , of whatever hideous fate was in store for them .
12 Hawaii was of the United States but it was not in it .
13 Greg was of the generation which found television very good to think during , and he let his mind range freely over what he had recently learned .
14 As a star , Bette Davis was of the type commonly designated ‘ inimitable ’ , which tends to mean ( as it did in her case ) that she eventually became the butt of countless imitators ; and these imitators merely accentuated symptoms of self-parody that were already detectable in her own screen presence .
15 Jung was of the opinion that Freud 's greatest achievement probably ‘ consisted in taking neurotic patients seriously and entering into their peculiar individual psychology .
16 Like the others , Mr Minnah was of the Mende tribe , and an associate of the previous president , Dr Siaka Stevens .
17 For instance , Impallomeni was of the view that earlier classical law ignored whether a buyer had notice ( scientia ) of a trust , but in later law jurists such as Papinian did not .
18 The S.M.O. was of the opinion that this was the third , not second night , and that for twenty-four hours before he was knocked down the patch of consolidation had started forming in Bill Francis 's lung .
19 Aristotle was of the opinion that there would always be rich and poor within society , that their interests were naturally opposed , and that it was the business of government to persuade them to coexist , and to meet their legitimate demands .
20 Jim was of the opinion that the parrot ploy had some merit , mentioning a woman with one that spoke a very interesting variety of English .
21 And Claire got involved in the action as national coach Matt Doyle was of the opinion that she was entitled to match play .
22 Mr. Derhalli was of the opinion that it is ineffective without some language training and that language training also needs to be matched by cross-cultural training .
23 After all James was of the Stewart dynasty , so called because his ancestor Robert had been High Steward of Scotland , and had succeeded to the throne on the death of David II in 1371 .
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