Example sentences of "[noun prp] [was/were] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By the middle of the century Arkesilas was himself on the run , fleeing from Cyrene via Euesperides to the west , where he was assassinated .
2 But Qinghua was something of an exception , being China 's top technological university , with better facilities than other institutions and a high level of prestige .
3 Men , it seemed , were scarcely tolerated in the Jarman household and Mr Hawkins was nothing but a leftover from the days when old Mr Jarman was alive .
4 England was something like a nation by the closing stages of the Hundred Years War with France in the mid-fifteenth century , and France was certainly much more like a nation at the end of the war than she had been at the beginning .
5 Unfortunately Dunbar was nothing like a full day 's ride from Dalwolsey , barely twenty miles , and by fair roads ; and Fraser , a grizzled veteran , was scarcely the man to try to involve in an unnecessary overnight stop in the interests of romance , however chivalric .
6 To Lord John , Sharpe was nothing but a killer who had been trained and hardened to death on innumerable battlefields , while Lord John had only ever brought about the death of foxes .
7 Cameroon was something of an exception in having a number of privately owned papers : L'Echo du Cameroun , Dialogue , Le Petit Camerounais and Les Nouvelles du Mungo .
8 Yet Quisling was anything but a joke to the people he fought so hard to betray .
9 When she started dancing , eight-year-old Susan Stokes was something of a phenomenon — not a drop of Irish blood in her .
10 Ludens was himself in the same situation .
11 According to legend , the rule of Boris was something of a disaster : the Empire struggled under the burden of excessive taxation and corrupt officials , while the army was neglected and many border forts abandoned .
12 Even the early varieties developed in the time of Browning and Tennyson were nothing like the splendours of today , and one wonders what the genius of their poetic expressions would have made of the ethereal glow in the half light of ‘ Super Star ’ ( see page 129 ) , the exquisite shape and deepest of all crimson-black red of ‘ Charles Mallerin ’ or a hundred and one other modern marvels .
13 The critical distinction drawn by Lord Bridge of Harwich was one between the decision making functions of the local authority and its executive functions , by which I take Lord Bridge to mean the administrative acts to be performed in giving effect to the relevant decision .
14 Yet those are mistaken who imagine ( as , for example , Warnie did ) that Mrs Moore was nothing but a distraction from the serious business of work .
15 Hari was angry as she walked back through the streets towards her home , Emily Grenfell was nothing but a snob , she thought everyone beneath her .
16 Luke Calder was nothing but a ruthless manipulator who made people do what he wanted when he wanted it , yet all she could think of was that she wanted to feel again the hot urgency of his mouth !
17 If Cornwall was anything but a land of rich squires and yeomen , it may also have enjoyed some immunity from the scourge of absolute poverty .
18 Britain was something of an exception , however , not only because of the slow development of the large corporation and mass-production techniques , but also because of the effects of a long-established , powerful and horizontally-structured trade union movement which opposed such firm-specific practices and internal labour market systems .
19 Among racing people , Charles Caldecott was something of a joke .
20 Marie Claire was nothing like a nun and made a noise as she walked in her high-heeled shoes .
21 Mr Chettle was something of a late starter .
22 He had never thought of himself as a master of the understatement , but his message to Hayman was something of a gem .
23 He also remarked that Belgion was something of a mystery man , about whom very little seemed to be known — even whence he acquired his undoubtedly vast store of knowledge .
24 He replied that the older Czechs were wary of the idea of a unified Germany but , for the young , West Germany was something of an ideal whereas they despised the DDR .
25 Twenty-four-year-old Wilkinson said : ‘ Brian Clough was one in a million at Nottingham Forest .
26 In 1942 , to someone coming from Edinburgh with its romantic Old Town skyline of spires against hills , contrasting with the austere classical splendours of the Georgian New Town , Wolverton was something of a cultural shock .
27 Richard Holmes was something of an expert at the game , but he ended up as a down-and-out by the end .
28 Clare were you in the past
29 Clare were you in the past
30 Moreover the style faithfully mirrors the puerility of the content : to think that the barons who faced King John at Runnymede were anything like the Cokes or Hampdens who challenged the royal prerogative of the Stuarts in the seventeenth century , or that these in turn had much or anything in common with Sam and John Adams or Tom Paine , is to adopt the notorious ‘ Whig interpretation ’ of English history in a sort of parody version for grade school .
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