Example sentences of "[noun prp] [is] take the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 SPRINGFIELDS design engineer Gordon Lund is taking the love of his life for a weekend in Paris … with his wife 's blessing !
2 Mrs Chalk 's taken the day off … oh … ! ’
3 At least one research team in the US is taking the idea seriously .
4 The four to eight way multi-processor RS/6000s — on which Bull is taking the lead — are due for announcement by the fourth quarter of this year .
5 After more than 20 years of Medau teaching in Edinburgh , Muriel Jessop is taking the step of handing over her class — much to the sadness of her class members , some of whom have been with her for a larger number of those years .
6 Britain is taking the lead in encouraging these trends .
7 Most operators see this as an accounting nicety , but it would seem that BT is taking the directive much further , using it as the basis for building its business strategy for the next millennium .
8 John is taking the blame . ’
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