Example sentences of "[noun prp] [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once an ambulance crew has given initial aid to a seriously injured patient , a paramedic will consult a specialist at Stoke to see if the person should be taken there .
2 There is a further clause in the 1950 law that permitted Manor to confirm that a man or woman was not an absentee if that person left his place of residence ‘ for fear that the enemies of Israel might cause him harm or otherwise than by reason or for fear of military operations , .
3 The polytechnic has employed research student Jo Denn to see whether a link can be established between childhood asthma and atmospheric pollution .
4 We all arrived on Tuesday to find that the offices were completely unfurnished , without lighting , without telephone and without any equipment of any sort .
5 The work with patients who had the delusion of being watched , and who spoke of the watcher as another person in terms like the following : ‘ He is waiting for me to go now ’ , or ‘ He thinks I should do such and such ’ , had first led Freud to suggest that a part of a person 's ego can keep watch over another part .
6 The strategy consisted not of ministerial diktat but the progressive application of pressure on LEAs to ensure that the school curriculum in their areas was in line with a real or imagined consensus about what pupils should learn at school .
7 Nevertheless , the principle remains and in appropriate cases some negotiation may be necessary with the IPCs to ensure that the absence of an open offer will not prejudice institutional shareholder support for the takeover .
8 There will be an objective for Samson to attain before the game is won .
9 It did not surprise Hugh to see that the stack had been scattered abroad from the original untidy pile dumped thus , and most of the seasoned timber removed , leaving the flattened bushes plain to be seen .
10 Here de Candolle 's concept of species being at war with one another , discussed at length by Lyell , must have allowed Darwin to see that the population of any species is always tending to expand into the surrounding territory , if necessary at the expense of the existing inhabitants .
11 We have studied the sediment from the bottom of Loch Ness and Loch Morar to discover whether the sea entered either of them after the last ice age .
12 It was this fact which led Lord Lyons to comment that the government did not lead so much as follow when it came to the last stages of the crisis .
13 The procedure does not wait for an offline module to be transferred , however a value is returned in MODULES_ON_LINE to indicate that the module is offline awaiting transfer .
14 Sir Robert Lowry the Chief Justice of Northern Ireland was appointed Chairman of the Convention on 22 February 1975 , and on 25 March Harold Wilson went to Northern Ireland to announce that the elections for the Constitutional Convention would be held on Thursday 1 May .
15 In February 1987 a mass petition was presented to the Queen asking that a referendum be held in Northern Ireland to determine whether the agreement should continue .
16 It did n't take long for Skipper to realise that the lunge whip was n't a threat , and we progressed to some rather wobbly circles .
17 ‘ It did n't take long for Skipper to realise that the lunge whip was n't a threat , and we progressed to some rather wobbly circles ’
18 The CDP recorded its concern about CNAA quinquennial visits and reports , and while considering it proper for the CNAA to judge whether an institution was a ‘ satisfactory environment for advanced work ’ thought it was not competent to adopt a ‘ judicial role ’ .
19 Whatever one 's view of the literary merits of the Manual ( and humour is in the final analysis a matter of personal taste ) , it is certainly wrong of Mr. Browning to imply that the book is inept , contains irritating mistakes and exhibits poor production values : this is simply not the case .
20 He sent Matilda an answering smile that immediately caused Isabel to suspect that the gossip concerning the pair was true .
21 And I think for Mr to pretend that the Government has nothing to do with our problems , is unfortunately becoming more and more threadbare as an excuse .
22 And he had seemed almost to be currying favour when he was tumbling out the story of his family 's lost lease , trying to get Cameron to agree that the lairds were done for now .
23 Thus the criterion proposed in the Discussion Paper and the FRED to determine whether a capital instrument represents a liability is whether it contains an obligation to transfer economic benefits .
24 ‘ Abe ’ Finkel and his colleagues carried out what the critic Abel Green described as the ‘ canny Burbanking ’ of the material , but there was still a need for intervention by Breen , who asked Wallis to ensure that the film was not a direct attack on conditions in the mines .
25 This gentle admonition did little to still the clamour of unilateralists in the churches ; yet there must surely be many Christians who have retained enough faith in divine Providence to believe that the world will not end unless God wills it and that , if He does , it will be for the best .
26 ‘ We worked with Tatham to ensure that the equipment satisfied the need to provide safe , efficient operation of their well , ’ Smith notes .
27 So it seems that this is a further reason for Althusser to allow that the process of constitution may be more or less successful .
28 FOR a nation which fire-bombed Hamburg and destroyed Dresden to complain when the Germans planned to celebrate the anniversary of the V2 rocket is ridiculous .
29 Sir David Attenborough , naturalist and former BBC2 controller , invoked the craggy ghost of Lord Reith to declare that the BBC 's founding father would never have allowed it .
30 The terms of reference themselves provoked concern , causing Robson to comment that the Donoughmore Committee ‘ started life with the dead hand of Dicey lying frozen on its neck ’ .
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