Example sentences of "[noun prp] [to-vb] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The French have gone a long way towards providing a road and water supply and members of the ‘ Pater Nostra ’ organisation are studying in Budapest , Vienna and Germany to obtain qualifications in medicine , physiotherapy , occupational therapy and other skills which will enable them to provide the day-to-day care of the residents in the future .
2 Sir Derek Rayner was borrowed from Marks and Spencer to tackle waste in government .
3 There had been no express waiver by the United States in favour of Greece , but the Public Vessels Act allowed the United States to waive immunity in respect of a country which waives immunity for it .
4 This is another case which proves how vital it is for Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell to correct inconsistencies in sentencing .
5 Reed to sell stake in Sky
6 SOTHEBY 'S is to auction an icon used in 18th century Russia to assist women in childbirth .
7 In situations like this , it was not our practice or the practice of Labov 's fieldworkers in Philadelphia to interrupt proceedings in order to renegotiate permission to record ; in Belfast such permission was sought at the first contact with each household .
8 Armenia to reopen reactor in earthquake zone
9 Side by side with him were the ‘ apostles ’ , those commissioned by Jesus to proclaim repentance in view of God 's imminent kingdom .
10 Although in 1974 the Supreme Court had ordered President Nixon to surrender tapes in connection with the Watergate affair ( when Democratic Party premises had been broken into by Nixon 's supporters with his knowledge ) , no court had ever ordered a former President to surrender personal notes , and Greene 's decision was a departure from a ruling in the case of Oliver North , where requests for such material had been denied .
11 In private talks , and in public statements , several heads of government urged Castro to hold elections in order to bring Cuba into line with other Ibero-American governments .
12 For example , he moved his army from Italy to Saxony to surprise tribes in revolt , a distance that is still great today with modern transport ; but this the Franks traversed at speed with an army mainly on foot , with horse support and a massive baggage train .
13 International : Britain to provide medics in war zone
14 The duty of Japan to lead Asia in resistance to the West was widely advocated .
15 Britain to open embassies in East
16 Japan to aid Cameroon in hara-kiri
17 THE US Department of Justice has agreed to back the Serious Fraud Office 's efforts to have Washington lawyer Thomas Ward extradited to Britain to face charges in connection with the Guinness affair .
18 Basinger to pay £6m in dispute over film
19 Dishonesty is also brought out in this scene , when the Duke expects Shylock to forgive Antonio in line 23 ‘ which is a pound of this poor merchant 's flesh , thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture , but touch with human gentleness and love , Forgive a moiety of the principal ; ’ .
20 He spent the summer of 1851 in Halle to acquire fluency in German .
21 On 18 June he wrote from Norwich to set preparations in train for equipping an army and he and his circle began to raise men locally .
22 On 18 June he wrote from Norwich to set preparations in train for equipping an army and he and his circle began to raise men locally .
23 ACET will shortly be opening a new office in the east end of London to serve clients in North and East London .
25 Elizabeth to take crown in Coronation
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