Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Surely dear Aunt Amabel must agree with that ?
2 No that 'll be too easy cos you and Andy 'll streak through that .
3 Glenn Hoddle could play in that position over there . ’
4 you would have more information on that than Milvia would have for that , after they done the SATS and they 're marked reports have to be sent out , we must report at the end of key stage three .
5 And she would marry him — Bull O'Malley would see to that .
6 ’ We hope that you and Curb can investigate without that data . ’
7 However many prettily-painted Eleanors might lurk inside that dumpy frame , the combined influence of an overbearing father and a domineering husband would ensure that they remained securely locked away .
8 Nigel could empathize with that .
9 The Otago CA report for that year had to report that the early high hopes for Otago cricket were now being ‘ affected by the Great War , and the necessity for all men to play the greater game for the Empire ’ .
10 Elsbeth would approve of that .
11 ‘ Yes , but Alan will look after that now .
12 Do n't know if Maggie can cope with that , she was a bit rough this morning .
13 In winter 1980–81 a Western specialist on South Asia , Selig Harrison , suggested that a formula involving the emergence of a provisional government in Afghanistan might win Soviet acceptance if could provide for arrangements under which Moscow could withdraw from that country in a phased fashion over several years and if the new Afghan government could return to the pre-1973 Soviet-tilted brand of neutralism .
14 Strictly on form we ca n't beat The Fellow , But Jodami can improve on that .
15 I believe Seton was responsible but your own Benstede can answer for that , he and Seton seemed close friends .
16 I think one of the things Phil can do in that si
17 So you me and Phil can bid against that one .
18 I still feel Lyndsey can deal with that one .
19 I have a wee notion that JTR might fall into that category too .
20 Nana could make a chocolate drink with cocoa beans and goat 's milk , and that was the only thing Martha could think of that was coloured like her .
21 But I never thought Lamont would freak like that .
22 Amanda would see to that .
23 Hugo will see to that sort of thing , ’ Georgina said .
24 BBC can live with that .
25 Yow can wait fer that .
26 ‘ She 's very beautiful , ’ was all that McAllister could say to that .
27 Big Joe would see to that , or one of his cronies .
28 ‘ I 'll be damned , ’ he said to himself ‘ I wonder what Irina would think of that ! ’
29 If it is a matter of delicate legal analysis what the best interpretation of the precedents cited in McLoughlin would require in that case , then any answer provides very weak evidence about which decision would be most popular or most beneficial for the future .
30 If Mellor can learn from that experience sufficiently to bring some soundly-constructed strategy to the review of the BBC 's charter in 1996 , then Major will have succeeded in the introduction of some long-termism , at least some medium-termism , in two areas that badly need it .
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