Example sentences of "[noun prp] [subord] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The last stanza of ‘ Exequy ’ is a summing-up of the kind of rituals described by Frazer in Adonis Attis Osiris where in the declining year the representative of the year-spirit was put to death , often by burning .
2 Child care policy and practice in the United Kingdom , Flanders , and the Netherlands appear to be converging towards family and community-oriented services , although the pace of change seems to be slower in Flanders than in the other two countries .
3 Thus between 1900 and 1910 considerably more people migrated to the United States than during the entire period with which this book is concerned .
4 In a recent analysis that compared economic evaluations of the same intervention ( a new drug ) performed by identical methods in four countries , Drummond et al showed that although the drug was 36% more expensive in the United States than in the three European Community ( EC ) countries considered , it was also more cost effective in the United States because of the relative price and use of other health care resources compared with those in the EC ( such as the higher charges for surgical operations ) .
5 In the 1988 — 9 financial year , the poll tax would have resulted in 53 per cent of households paying less tax in Haringey than under the old rating system .
6 As the girl had said there was no way out of Albert Tarace except down the steep hill to the road by the shore .
7 It 'll complicate negotiations between Mr DeKlerk and Mr Mandela if at the same time as those negotiations continue , er Mrs Mandela is on trial which may of course be prolonged .
8 I like Alice in Wonderland because of the funny creatures and because they talk like people except it is not what you expect .
9 In a recent analysis that compared economic evaluations of the same intervention ( a new drug ) performed by identical methods in four countries , Drummond et al showed that although the drug was 36% more expensive in the United States than in the three European Community ( EC ) countries considered , it was also more cost effective in the United States because of the relative price and use of other health care resources compared with those in the EC ( such as the higher charges for surgical operations ) .
10 The game has been put back from next Tuesday because of the Old Trafford second leg .
11 They chose Whitehaven as their base , after fleeing from their native Hungary because of the Nazi threat , setting up the company originally known as West Cumberland Silk Mills .
12 I believe Warwick changed over to using steel truss rods about eight or nine months ago but I would urge owners to have their basses checked as soon as possible , and would appreciate some kind of response from Warwick as to the precise situation .
13 Latin America is familiar territory for many in ELT although in the '80s it was sometimes neglected .
14 I am sure that the Under-Secretary will agree that there is usually more agreement between political parties within Northern Ireland than between the Labour and Conservative parties in England , so I do not understand the logic of the statement by the hon. Member for Derbyshire , North-East ( Mr. Barnes ) .
15 As partners in pursuit of the common goals and values of democracy , freedom , human rights and the market economics , stated Yeltsin , Russia now had more in common with South Korea than with the unreformed communist North .
16 By the middle and later 1960s , however , this ‘ Cisalpine ’ theological agenda was being overtaken by a more evidently twentieth-century one : modern biblical scholarship turned out not to have stopped with Westcott and Lightfoot nor even with Dodd , but seemed much more a matter of swallowing Bultmann and Nineham ; ecumenical theology now led one less to Luther and Calvin or even Barth than to the vapid profundities of Tillich , Bishop Robinson 's Honest to God and beyond .
17 More prosaically , the army farrier was less in demand in England than on the oft-warring Continent , and our island country was only sporadically , even if at times seriously , exposed to the ravages of epidemic disease in its animal stocks .
18 Siward , son of that rich Norwegian fur-trader who had found more profit in England than in the uncertain fortunes of Norway .
19 Nor were foreign diplomats as yet much more welcome in Russia than during the sixteenth century .
20 I think she would have a very hard time providing leadership , especially now that she is being perceived as more beholden to Washington than to the Filipino people . "
21 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
22 But we know we ca n't get into Spain because of the 1992 Olympics . "
23 Housman Overseas ( 0702 206281 ) says that UK buyers are absent both in Portugal and Spain because of the harsh UK economic climate and the imposition of high UK interest rates four years ago .
24 I could n't do that in Russia because of the long journey . ’
25 The rest of the day was n't very clear to Benny because of the heavy cloud of disappointment that seemed to hang over the whole proceedings .
26 ‘ The withdrawal from ERM and the subsequent devaluation of sterling should be of particular benefit to Scotland because of the higher propensity to export .
27 The design staff and manual workers at Lucas jointly felt that there was something seriously wrong about forms of technology which could make product systems as complex as Concorde while in the same society old people were dying of hypothermia .
28 Father Michael 's personal opinion was that if Mr Makepeace had a vocation it was more for Drury Lane than for the Anglican Church .
29 One of my great regrets is that in the period immediately after liberation Burmese leaders and people generally seemed more interested in the political future of Burma than in the urgent task of reconstruction .
30 But we have also noted that gender-differentiation in language is sharper in Ballymacarrett than in the other communities .
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