Example sentences of "[noun prp] [v-ing] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , I did n't know until recent years that it was a person at Philips Records who in fact mentioned DeFries to David , and when he did meet DeFries , Angela was very much in favour of David moving from me to him .
2 And it was then that she saw Christie Goldsborough coming towards her along the path , his spectacular , fur-lined driving-cape swinging loose around his shoulders , his feet encased in the finest quality leather , his carriage — a shiny , high-perch sporting phaeton — waiting for him just there , in the road beyond the church wall , whenever he had a mind to take the reins in his gloved hands and go dashing off to drink champagne and eat bride-cake at Frizingley Hall .
3 What time is Lucy coming to you by the way Terry ?
4 The cow lowing and lowing and Mister Johnny talking to her in his soft , bubbly voice , and pulling on the little hooves when they slowly appeared .
5 He glanced in to find Nadine Cunningham smiling at him from the driver 's seat .
6 Deceiving him gave her a fierce pleasure and , as they strolled along by the waterline , with Ben splashing beside them through the shallows , she kept her hatred burning red-hot with a litany of her grievances , chanted over and over inside her head : ‘ He only pretended to like you ; he could n't care less about you ; he thinks you 're thick .
7 ‘ I 'm hoping to see something of Czechoslovakia while I 'm here , ’ she replied , but as it suddenly struck her that the silence emanating from Ven Gajdusek was decidedly chilly — and since the last thing she needed was to be bad friends with him if he objected to Lubor Ondrus flirting with her on his time , ‘ But now I must return to my hotel , ’ she added .
8 He heard Fergus colliding with something in the room .
9 She saw more of England driving with him in his car , or walking through cities while he attended to business , then she ever had before .
10 I was ashamed of him , especially as I could see Estella laughing at me over Miss Havisham 's shoulder .
11 I could see I could see Li er Charlie and Pete looking at me from the other side of the room , Charlie smiled and I just did I just went like that , you know ?
12 Is Nana and Del looking after you on Saturday ?
13 He did not hear Lissa calling to him across the haze that separated them , and he would not come to her .
14 Then she opened the door and passed out into the hall , closing it behind her with a quiet but determined movement , leaving Iskandara staring after her in silence .
15 FRAU NORDERN woke to a clear cold light and , to her amazement , Herr Nordern looming over her with a coffee .
16 Her heart sank as she saw Helen gazing at her in astonishment .
17 I do n't want to have Nicky Scott Wilson fussing round me like a wretched nanny while you 're away .
18 When he straightened up he saw Laidlaw looking at him across the roof of the car , a faint smile on his lips .
19 I 'm the company secretary , so it was essential that I was there and , as our timetables kept being shifted , I could see Martin looking at me as if to say is she going to make it ?
20 They found Carrington and Grant waiting for them in the saloon .
21 They hardly expected to see the BMW waiting for them at the dockside , but after they had parked the car and got the ticket , they began to look at their watches , and each other .
22 During the civil war he cast cannon for the king , Prince Rupert staying with him for three days in October 1642 .
23 Worse , I could see clearly the image of Mala clinging to him within the circle of the powerful golden arm .
24 Yes : here was the Bus Station , and there was Vern sitting beside me with my ham-and-tomato sandwich in his pocket .
25 The Horsley-Hayling-Pilger axis , with Walsh spinning round it in an erratic orbit , symbolized the male domination of the project .
26 In this respect I was indeed fortunate to have such sensitive , understanding and adroit colleagues as Tony Geluch , Jimmy Gilmore and Don Horne working with me on hundreds of productions over my nine years at CBR .
27 He apologized when he was close enough , because he guessed he had n't been able to hear Lavinia calling to him above the noise of the Suffolk Punch .
28 When Tom had finished , he found Willie gazing at him with adoration .
29 The ‘ gaudy seed bearer ’ will have his sex life disrupted by Blanche living with them in such a small flat .
30 She looked round once and saw Adam stumbling after her with Liban , his face set in a wild , burning stare .
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