Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] that [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Beyen argued that in the long term the ‘ sector ’ approach to co-operation would have to face up to the need for an all-embracing ‘ common market ’ reducing all trade barriers between the Six .
2 Freud believed that at the root of all neuroses lay repressed sexual desires , but even if one does not follow him in this , it would be hard to resist the conclusion that this was true of some of his patients .
3 Reviewing this same exhibition , both Allard and Apollinaire noticed that for the first time in several years the influence of Matisse and Fauvism was slight .
4 Sitting much later in the genteel coffee shop of a Holiday Inn in Suburban Virginia , Habib Olahi recalled that as the Shah walked to and fro , he said , " This is against the constitution . "
5 However , Defence Secretary Dick Cheney stated that in the light of recent political events in the Soviet Union , which had given him " some pause for concern " , the cutback programme could be halted if the Soviet military showed signs of reasserting its power .
6 Research conducted in the United States discovered that for the top five executives from a sample of 50 of the largest companies three times as much income came from shares as from employment .
7 TI said that in the first quarter it will start knocking off Tsunami derivatives , differentiating features such as cache size , floating point and Sbus according to customer demand .
8 Sir David said that in the last few days , the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , has written to say that NHS funds can not be used in this way .
9 While feeling a little sad at leaving , Mr. Offer said that for the first time he would be looking forward to an extra hour in bed in the morning .
10 Mr Lightman said that at the time of the libel trial the defence had no idea that this payment had been made .
11 Lord Hodson said that in the case of agreements between commercial companies for regulating their trade relations the parties are usually the best judges of what is reasonable .
12 Belkheir said that in the unrest since January 103 people had died ( a revision of the previous figure — see p. 38790 ) and 414 had been wounded .
13 But the SD added that in the areas tormented by allied bombing the trust of the people was expressed ‘ with more reserve ’ , and non-attendance at the celebrations was carefully excused by saying ‘ that it should n't be taken amiss if , despite all our love for the Führer , we ca n't celebrate his birthday this year with the usual joy ’ .
14 Cantril argued that on the whole , the less educated were the most gullible .
15 Adler found that despite the legislation a woman 's sexual history was routinely introduced during a rape trial .
16 The ICRC estimated that in the town of Iscia Baidoa , 220 km north-west of Mogadishu , 7,000 of the town 's 40,000 people had died from starvation in recent months .
17 Realeat marketing director Graham Keen predicted that at the current rate of growth there would be five million vegetarians by the turn of the century .
18 Artemis knew that from the way the woman had sighed .
19 A cold meal was hastily served , a few words exchanged , and everyone speedily retired as Catesby insisted that on the morrow we would rise early as there was a great deal of business to be done .
20 Tilting her head back , Ruth saw that at the farthest height the green melted into .
21 Reynolds said that despite the considerable economic progress made by Ireland in the past three years , the size of the national debt [ see below ] continued to be a major constraint upon development and prevented further tax concessions .
22 Speaking at his home at James Street , Falkirk , Graeme explained that before the incident , he had worked for a short spell on a YTS course with ScotRail , before taking a job as a gardener .
23 Ryzhkov assessed that by the second stage the situation in the consumer market should have improved radically , that material and financial market equilibrium could be achieved in 1992 , and that economic growth and an improvement in living standards was possible from 1993 .
24 Foreign press reports in March claimed that over the past year up to 400,000 people from shanty towns in the outskirts of Khartoum had been forcibly relocated to areas outside the city [ for December 1991 killings of shanty-town dwellers see p. 38666 ] .
25 In his 1979 budget Sir Geoffrey Howe claimed that in the past public spending had been based on falsely optimistic expectations about economic resources : ‘ It is this falsely reassuring belief that somehow the resources will be found to permit an uninterrupted expansion of public expenditure that this government challenges .
26 Mr Gummer claimed that during the negotiations the powerful American farming lobby had been ‘ all over the hotel ’ .
27 In an article published in the early 1970s , Nicholas Tyacke argued that during the period from 1560 to 1625 there was a common predestinarian Calvinist heritage within the English church , shared by both prelates and Presbyterians alike , against which Laud and his supporters firmly set their faces in the 1630s .
28 Storrie admitted that in the early hours of 17 May last year he robbed the two 19-year-olds of £7 and a watch after seizing the man in Wilson Street , Glasgow , and threatening to stab him .
29 Dr Jaleel argued that in the country 's more economically deprived areas , the pressure on the health service is far worse .
30 McMahon and Greene found that on the pole-vaulter 's pillows , the runner was in contact with the surface far longer than on concrete , and that he deflected the pillows noticeably .
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