Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Newman argued that as a commitment in the light of evidence that can not be treated as proof , religious belief is like rather than unlike other forms of belief .
2 The possibility that the MacQuillan empire was facing hard times raised interesting questions about the future of the Post , but Rain 's glass was empty and Shildon read that as a signal that she was impatient to leave .
3 Beyen argued that in the long term the ‘ sector ’ approach to co-operation would have to face up to the need for an all-embracing ‘ common market ’ reducing all trade barriers between the Six .
4 Freud believed that at the root of all neuroses lay repressed sexual desires , but even if one does not follow him in this , it would be hard to resist the conclusion that this was true of some of his patients .
5 Reviewing this same exhibition , both Allard and Apollinaire noticed that for the first time in several years the influence of Matisse and Fauvism was slight .
6 Sitting much later in the genteel coffee shop of a Holiday Inn in Suburban Virginia , Habib Olahi recalled that as the Shah walked to and fro , he said , " This is against the constitution . "
7 However , Defence Secretary Dick Cheney stated that in the light of recent political events in the Soviet Union , which had given him " some pause for concern " , the cutback programme could be halted if the Soviet military showed signs of reasserting its power .
8 Research conducted in the United States discovered that for the top five executives from a sample of 50 of the largest companies three times as much income came from shares as from employment .
9 Ramsey knew that as a bishop he had a teaching ministry , and that this needed a journal which was more than diocesan news .
10 The talks had taken place in a remarkably cordial atmosphere , and at a joint press conference at their conclusion on May 4 , de Klerk declared that he regarded the working document [ see below ] as " an important breakthrough in the peaceful process " , while Mandela said that as a result " not only are we closer to one another , but we are all of us victors " .
11 TI said that in the first quarter it will start knocking off Tsunami derivatives , differentiating features such as cache size , floating point and Sbus according to customer demand .
12 Sir David said that in the last few days , the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , has written to say that NHS funds can not be used in this way .
13 Allowing the Crown 's appeal , and dismissing the taxpayer 's cross-appeal , Lord Justice Scott said that on a first reading of s 72 it was natural to read subsection ( 4 ) as one of a group of subsections dealing only with cases where the amount of capital distribution was comparatively small .
14 While feeling a little sad at leaving , Mr. Offer said that for the first time he would be looking forward to an extra hour in bed in the morning .
15 Mr Lightman said that at the time of the libel trial the defence had no idea that this payment had been made .
16 Jonah said that with no police force or organized administration in the capital he was convinced of the need for a UN peacekeeping force , but that while Mahdi Mohammed was ready for one , Farah Aydid was opposed .
17 Lord Hodson said that in the case of agreements between commercial companies for regulating their trade relations the parties are usually the best judges of what is reasonable .
18 Belkheir said that in the unrest since January 103 people had died ( a revision of the previous figure — see p. 38790 ) and 414 had been wounded .
19 Janzen calculated that in a fig ‘ seed ’ shadow in Costa Rica created by bats depositing ‘ splats ’ at the density of some 10perm2 over 2500m2 , there were 367500 fig seeds dispersed .
20 But the SD added that in the areas tormented by allied bombing the trust of the people was expressed ‘ with more reserve ’ , and non-attendance at the celebrations was carefully excused by saying ‘ that it should n't be taken amiss if , despite all our love for the Führer , we ca n't celebrate his birthday this year with the usual joy ’ .
21 Laffer argued that with a high tax rate , say a move to a lower one , say , would raise actual income , recorded income and tax revenue .
22 Cantril argued that on the whole , the less educated were the most gullible .
23 Adler found that despite the legislation a woman 's sexual history was routinely introduced during a rape trial .
24 The ICRC estimated that in the town of Iscia Baidoa , 220 km north-west of Mogadishu , 7,000 of the town 's 40,000 people had died from starvation in recent months .
25 Himmelstein added that as a trade association , the AIC can not legally exclude anyone who seeks membership , and must accept all applicants willing to pay the annual dues of $75 .
26 Realeat marketing director Graham Keen predicted that at the current rate of growth there would be five million vegetarians by the turn of the century .
27 Drying experiments at Silsoe showed that on an average non-rainy day , thin mats were ready to harvest for wilted silage after about three hours compared with between six and 36 hours of wilting with the unconditioned crop .
28 Frank confirmed that as a boy visiting relatives in the region there had been many of the old ships still about , so Brian and I decided we 'd go there , then sail down the US coast to the Caribbean , through the Panama Canal and head west to the Revillagigedo Islands which Brian had decided were his .
29 Artemis knew that from the way the woman had sighed .
30 A cold meal was hastily served , a few words exchanged , and everyone speedily retired as Catesby insisted that on the morrow we would rise early as there was a great deal of business to be done .
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