Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] it [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Saints boss Ian Branfoot made it a double raid on London when he also signed Chelsea 's Dutch defender Ken Monkou for a similar figure .
2 Sir Michael Angus made it a double whammy for Unilever as the outgoing plc chairman , soon to take up the cudgels on behalf of the CBI , entered the International Marketing Hall of Fame .
3 There was one moment of which I was particularly proud , and Richard made it a magic one .
4 Christina cringed as Susanna pronounced it the American way .
5 Howes thought it a prescient occasion .
6 Gurder and Angalo gave it a critical look .
7 Tallis fed it a meagre handful of the oats she carried .
8 People said things like for instance well females are n't intelligent enough to make choices and er which is , which is clearly pretty silly , and er there was also I think and the uncomfortable erm prospect that females could in some way or another control the evolution in males which I do n't think it appealed to the Victorians either and in fact many social Darwinists like Edward Westermark for example rejected the whole concept of sexual selection as Darwin called it the female choice , because it did n't promote survival of the fittest .
9 Anabelle thought it a splendid treat , and drank it down at once .
10 Loot gave it a whole lot of new reasons for guilt complexes . ’
11 On the one hand its ultra-patriotism and Ger-manophobia made it an important driving force behind the campaign for no compromise and total victory ; but against this was the undoubted fact that the most dynamic political leadership and organizing ability to ensure this outcome was provided by Lloyd George , the radical right 's bête noire .
12 ‘ I knew Faye had some complications and needed a nurse — Tom mentioned it the other day — but I had no idea you were a sort of watchdog as well .
13 David did not in fact begin to relax his reserve until nearly a week after the telegram had arrived , when Julia judged it a suitable moment to say that she and Anthony would be making other plans for Easter .
14 MCI Communications Corp reports that the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago awarded it a 10-year multi-million dollar contract to provide circuits for the new FedNet communications system will combine the networks of 12 Federal Reserve district banks and three new centres into one network ; FedNet will offer the banks high speed data services and is responsible for circuit installation and maintenance .
15 In fact , Theda thought it a beautiful old building , and felt it to be a pity that it should have been allowed to go to rack .
16 Stephen thought it a curious place to leave one 's car , blocking , or partly blocking , the northbound roadway , while taking it a farther ten yards on would have enabled its driver to pull in onto the bridlepath that traversed the Vale as far as the Reeve 's way .
17 Colt thought it a serious mistake by his target to have gone in person to the Syrian Embassy .
18 Emmie found it a dreadful sound .
19 Manager Brian Horton called it a criminal performance .
20 Simon Draper thought it a bad idea , but realised that argument was futile .
21 Garvin put it the other way : if it was me , there 'd be trouble . ’
22 Students from Camberwell made it a regular haunt .
23 But Mr Sandy found it a stimulating , not to say exhausting , tour of duty .
24 Looking at it , Jess thought it the grandest place she 'd ever seen .
25 So many of the stories were wild exaggerations , inflamed by a number of factors — the ‘ culture contact ’ between rural and urban society , personal resentment ( particularly if two women were forced to share the same kitchen ) , the strangeness of the whole situation at the start of a frightening new war , or simply as Angus Calder put it the English tendency to confuse manners with morals .
26 So , when Caine told Peter Langan that he was interested in setting up a British restaurant along the lines of La Coupole , Langan found it an irresistible proposition .
27 The church historian Norman Sykes thought it a bad choice for the see , too party a man for a see which needed breadth of mind .
28 But Copernicus dealt it a crippling blow when he discovered that the sun , and not the earth , was the centre of our insignificant system .
29 James Brown made it the perfunctory Single Of The Week and concentrated mainly on the depth of lyrical content .
30 Celtic pressed forward — and Collins made it a memorable night for them when he shot the third goal eleven minutes from time .
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