Example sentences of "[noun prp] [unc] [noun sg] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Breakfast is an excellent Dutch buffet and the enthusiastic owners Mr. and Mrs. Van der Vorst take personal care to ensure that every guest enjoys their stay .
2 In 1793 Britain set up a Board of Agriculture to promote the growing of potatoes to counter Napoleon 's threat to starve this country into submission .
3 Since the patients in Newcombe and Ratcliff 's study sustained penetrating missile wounds of the brain whereas those of Hécaen and Sauguet suffered from naturally occurring lesions it is possible that aetiological differences account for the discrepant findings .
4 In such circumstances , even if the date of Samson 's composition remains problematised , attention shifts to the date of its first publication in 1671 .
5 Is Samson 's strength rating high enough to withstand injury ?
6 On July 25 the commission of inquiry into Boudiaf 's assassination published preliminary results .
7 In other words , Kundera 's novel isolates certain tendencies in the behaviour of poets ( and others ) in order to prosecute an attack on Stalinist Czechoslovakia .
8 Poetry has often been a form of self-pity and a means of self-advancement , and it has often pretended otherwise : Kundera 's book rumbles such pretence , as in the comedy he stages of an embassy of poets to a college of policemen and a debate there about the aesthetic of the socialist love-poem .
9 Maybe someone will provide a 24-hour 0898 number which we can dial when we ca n't sleep at night for thinking about the copy of Milan Kundera 's Immortality lying untouched on the bedside table .
10 Mr Fitzwilliam 's acquittal came two weeks after Mr John Briggs , deputy chairman of engineering group Wheway , was cleared of allegations of illegal share trading .
11 Walker 's image confirms this meaning .
12 When it came to how long Charlie would take to master the baking trade , Becky 's judgment proved accurate .
13 Opposition parties feared that the AP 's decision to impeach eight of the Court 's judges was part of a strategy to create a compliant judiciary in order to facilitate its electoral victory in the 1993 presidential elections .
14 At the same time , while accepting that tension between richer and poorer peasants was growing and that Stolypin 's reform created fierce friction between those who separated from the commune and those who remained within it , revisionists have stressed that it did not shake their common determination that noble land should be transferred into their hands .
15 More than anything else he did , it was Nicolae Ceauşescu 's decision to demolish much of this splendid city which aroused the concern of public opinion in the West about his regime .
16 In the summer of 1988 , Doina Cornea , the former lecturer in French literature at Cluj University , smuggled a letter to the BBC and RFE attacking Ceauşescu 's plan to demolish thousands of villages as part of ‘ systematization ’ .
17 At meetings of the European Parliament 's Human Rights Committee ( at which even the French Communists stayed silent ) , Newens compared Ceauşescu 's plan to demolish half the villages in Romania and to relocate millions of people into standardized concrete blocks with the effects of redevelopment around Kings Cross on his own constituents .
18 Ceauşescu 's policy killed two birds with one stone : on the one hand , he began the process of ridding Romania of what he considered troublesome alien minorities and earned hard currency from their new countries for the privilege ; and at the same time , he gained a reputation in the West as a ‘ good ’ communist , a man to do business with — in this case , by bartering for human beings .
19 Now it was Aunt Nellie 's turn to go white .
20 Did Paulie 's team come last then ?
21 But while the melancholy air and the mannered , somehow archaistic appearance of much of the work of his so-called ‘ blue period ’ remind one of some of Gauguin 's painting , it was not until several years later , in the work executed during the year preceding the Demoiselles , that Picasso 's work became bolder and more direct , in some cases one might justifiably say more primitive , in appearance .
22 THE annual conference of Screaming Lord Sutch 's Monster Raving Loony Party in Devon next month may be covered by German TV .
23 Meredith 's mouth felt dry from the waves of sheer sensuality pulsing towards her .
24 The door of Meredith 's office slammed shut and he and John Harbour appeared round the bend of the passage .
25 But occasional forays by underwriters into unknown territory have thrown up some of the market 's most spectacular disasters — the 1,600 investors facing £305million of losses on Dick Outhwaite 's syndicate bear eloquent testimony to that .
26 But occasional forays by underwriters into unknown territory have thrown up some of the market 's most spectacular disasters — the 1,600 investors facing £305million of losses on Dick Outhwaite 's syndicate bear eloquent testimony to that .
27 Singh 's silence prompted Indian newspapers , which had tended to be very supportive of the Prime Minister , to publish some highly critical articles .
28 Mr Singh 's letter compounded this .
29 This pleasant perk was gained from Zev Bufman because the Broadway company had not been given Dustin 's permission to use certain material on him in the programme .
30 Dustin 's face stares wide-eyed , unblinking , unemotionally ahead of him while on the soundtrack Simon and Garfunkel 's ‘ Sounds of Silence ’ takes up the theme : ‘ People talking without speaking .
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