Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] be [vb pp] at " in BNC.

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1 SIR — It was with considerable alarm that I read ( article , April 6 ) that William Kent furniture at Houghton may be sold at auction because the many items ‘ are additional to those on view ’ and that their loss ‘ would not be evident ’ .
2 Over-dependence upon the United States should be avoided at all costs .
3 Tearing out a sheet from his notebook , de Castelnau scribbled down his historic order that Verdun must be defended at all costs on the Right Bank , and handed it to Pétain .
4 DEF must be used at the start of a program line .
5 When Williams appeared to like the idea , Orton totally changed the part so that it could fit him , not so much like a glove , but like a well-crafted cabinet , one in which Ken could be displayed at his finest and with plenty of space to ensure that nothing got in his way .
6 That way Eleanor would be kept at bay and , after all , the chance of anyone else looking him up was extremely remote .
7 The 1994 World Cup Finals in the United States will be staged at nine venues and will feature the first indoor stadium ever used in the tournament 's history , the Silverdome in Pontiac , Michigan .
8 — Two former chairmen of Spennymoor WMC will be honoured at a special presentation evening in the club on Saturday June 21 .
9 Moves to reopen the access between Milton Street and Dundas Street in Saltburn will be discussed at the next parish council meeting .
10 Further details about the PRS can be obtained at 29–33 Berners street , London W14P 4AA. phone : 071–927 8345 .
11 The image of Jesus as a ‘ poor carpenter ’ from Nazareth can be challenged at length .
12 A Midland TESSA may be transferred at any time to any Midland branch or other Financial Institution .
13 It is submitted that the whole of Skelton Village should be looked at as a unity , that there is extreme environmental value over its north part , and that were the village inset into the greenbelt , the inset boundary should be precisely as shown in the deposit copy of Southern Ryedale 's Local Plan .
14 In case building increases and further developments are needed , the feasibility of new settlements near to Kirknewton , Winchburgh and Longniddry will be looked at , but no decisions will be taken about these until detailed studies are completed .
15 The programme on 29 December will be shown at 10.30am .
16 The phenomena of LTP can be studied at many levels from the more or less intact organism to the tissue slice .
17 He always seemed to know exactly where Sergeant Charles Trumper of the Royal Fusiliers could be located at any time of the day or night .
18 For example , a general election for the House of Commons must be held at least every 5 years but only certain people have access to the vote and not all votes for different parties are of equal power in the absence of proportional representation making for a close correspondence between votes cast and seats won ; the House of Lords ( once a very powerful state institution ) can now only delay bills passed by the House of Commons ; the Prime Minister " must " come from the Commons ; and it is " expected " that a government will resign and call a general election if it is defeated in a vote of confidence on the floor of the House of Commons .
19 Although the lights of the pleasure cruisers sparkling from the water make the river look attractive , Baedeker 's advice is forthright : ‘ Bathing in the Rhine should be avoided at all costs . ’
20 However , not merely was there a conflict of medical evidence , but even Dr. D. , upon whose opinion Thorpe J. eventually based his decision , described W. as having ‘ a mild case of anorexia nervosa ’ and that although he ( Dr. D. ) had eventually come round to the view that W. should be treated at the specialist London unit , the decision was quite finely balanced .
21 However , as I have said , by the time the case was before us W. 's condition had changed so drastically that , whatever may have been the previous position , the court would have been in dereliction of its duty had it not overridden W. 's wishes and effectively confirmed the order made by Thorpe J. that W. should be treated at the specialist London unit .
22 The autumn Fine Art and Antiques Fair at Olympia will be held at the later date of 18 to 24 November this year in order to attract pre-Christmas buyers .
23 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
24 Take the 1st turning into Harefields , and Kendall Crescent will be found at the end of the road on the left hand side .
25 Unigram can be contacted at ‘ unigram ! george@uunet.UU.NET ’
26 Until mid-Month Galerie 15 present a group of unpublished sculpture by Yvan Messac while works recently shown at the Sandro Chia retrospective at the Berlin Nationalgalerie can be seen at Thaddeus Ropac until 10 April .
27 Lastly , about ten monochrome acrylics on canvas by Milan Grygar can be seen at Gilbert Brownstone until 15 February .
28 In case of disputes , you can contact your local Gas Consumers Council , who may refer your complaint to OFGAS ( the Office of Gas Supply ) ; OFGAS can be contacted at Southside , 105 Victoria Street , London SW1E 6QT .
29 So if you are a keen cricketer and would like to play , Robin Williams can be contacted at Hammersmith on 081 846 2892 .
30 The New Hampshire result ensured that the challenge of Buchanan would be maintained at least into March , and increased the growing belief that Bush — despite having recorded popular approval ratings of up to 90 per cent in the immediate aftermath of the Gulf war — was vulnerable to defeat in his bid for a second presidential term .
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