Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The total cost was estimated at $600,000 , although only around $60,000 was reimbursed to the government either by Sununu or by the Republican Party .
2 The opinion gained ground — an opinion with which Eric Ashby would evidently have had some sympathy — that the employment of a full-time tutor for the county , whether by the WEA or by the University Extra-Mural Board , placed constraints on branches ' freedom to choose subjects of study because of pressure to find a viable programme for the full-timer to teach .
3 The programme of education reforms currently being introduced by the British Government requires all state maintained schools to introduce more or less simultaneously several major innovations , together with any changes initiated by LEAs and by the schools , while attempting to maintain the quality of their ongoing work .
4 Alain Juppé , secretary-general of the Gaullist RPR , stated that Mitterrand " simply is n't up to it " ; his caution over the Soviet coup was , however , defended by Foreign Minister Roland Dumas and by the President of the European Commission Jacques Delors ; Mitterrand himself held a press conference on Sept. 11 ( only his sixth during his time in office ) in a move to consolidate his authority .
5 If so , it is deplorable because I should prefer the remit to be allocated , as it were , by the Secretary of State for Scotland or by the Minister .
6 As far as validation of the courses is concerned , this is being undertaken either by the CNAA or by the Universities of Nottingham and Leicester .
7 The following must be stated in a proof of debt ( r 6.98(1) ) : ( i ) the creditor 's name and address ; ( ii ) the total amount of the debt as at the date of the bankruptcy order ; ( iii ) whether interest is included ; ( iv ) whether VAT is included ; ( v ) whether any part of the debt is a preferential debt as defined in s 386 of and Sched 6 to the Act ; ( vi ) particulars of how and when the debt was incurred ; ( vii ) particulars of any security held and , if so , its value ; ( viii ) the name , address and authority of the person signing if not the creditor himself ; and ( ix ) any documents which can substantiate the claim though these need not be sent unless the trustee requests them ( r 6.98(3) ) ; ( x ) if the debt was incurred in a foreign currency , the sterling equivalent at the date of the bankruptcy order must be calculated and stated ( r 6.111 ) and the rate of exchange must be the official rate , ie that fixed by the Bank of England or by the court .
8 If the public-sector borrowing requirements ( PSBR ) is financed by borrowing from the Bank of England or by the sale of Treasury bills to the banking sector , the money supply will increase .
9 A whirlwind affair set against the romantic backdrop of the Seville Expo in southern Spain that by the law of averages had n't really stood a chance from the off .
10 One has , for example , cottage rows being erected at Winchester apparently by individuals , and shops being built by the city corporation at Exeter and by the abbey at Tewkesbury ( 90 , pp.67–8 ) .
11 O. coriacea superficially resembles Ophiotrema alberti from which it differs by the lack of distinct spinelets on the disk ; the shape of the adoral shields which are straight and do not have an indented proximal edge while those of Ophiotrema alberti are more wing-like and indented over the second oral tentacle pore ; the shape of the oral shields which are arrow shaped not round and almost hemispherical as in some specimens of Ophiotrema and by the absence of tentacle scales in Ophiotoma .
12 Since beginning this letter I have been with Nansen in the Samara district , where the conditions are even worse than in Saratov , in spite of the very good work done by the ARA in Samara and by the Friends in Bouzoulouk .
13 The symmetrical and classical looking house was new reaching every corner of England and by the end of the eighteenth century our traditional , organic and unselfconscious architecture was fast disappearing .
14 Friends of the Earth want a full inquiry by MPL , by the Bank of Scotland and by the ECGD .
15 The French government was also criticised , in particular by the UK but also by Denmark and by the EC Commission , for pursuing its own " freelance diplomacy " in search of a solution to the crisis .
16 A general armistice was signed on 4 December and by the treaty of Brest-Litovsk the war was brought to an end .
17 So , come to this part of Spain and by the time you leave you 'll understand why this area has become the most popular and cosmopolitan playground of Europe for young people .
18 Earlier in this chapter , reference has already been made to the decline in WEA activity in Bedfordshire and by the end of the war there were fewer classes in the county than had existed in 1935 and most of these were concentrated in the urban areas such as Bedford , Dunstable , Leighton Buzzard and Luton .
19 As Counts of Poitou the Dukes had long ruled Poitou and Saintonge , and had been recognized as overlords by the Counts of Angoulême , La Marche and Périgord and by the Viscounts of Limoges .
20 The health boards in Scotland are very close to the hospitals , which is why I set considerable store by the approval that had been granted to the applications by the Grampian health board in the case of Foresterhill and by the Ayrshire and Arran health board in the case of South Ayrshire .
21 Wales was integrated with England in 1536 by act of Parliament ( the Laws in Wales Act ) , and Scotland and England were incorporated in 1707 by the Treaty of Union and by the Act of Union with Scotland .
22 ‘ To be fair , Kitty told us you were listed as killed on the Marne and by the time anyone found out the truth it was too late . ’
23 The proposal will be considered by the regional council on 3 March and by the district council on 11 March .
24 Information is drawn in part from regularly published data sources , compiled either by the RIBA or by the Government , and in part from specific surveys .
25 His predecessor but one , Hensley Henson , invented the magazine the Bishoprick and by the force of his writing made it a national and not only a diocesan journal .
26 By the rulers of the ancient provinces of Abyssinia and by the nobility as a whole he was universally accepted as Emperor .
27 The alert was raised after dozens of the large rodents were spotted on Main Street and by the railway line .
28 The alert was raised after dozens of the rats were spotted on Main Street and by the railway line .
29 The alert was raised after dozens of the large rodents were spotted on Main Street and by the railway line .
30 These clouds have a complicated structure , determined largely by the magnetic field of Jupiter and by the interaction of this field with the solar wind .
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