Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [vb pp] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Marquess was arrested at his flat in west London on Tuesday and taken to prison for failing to pay the maintenance arrears within the stipulated two weeks .
2 For nine years she was a postwoman in Berkshire and used to cycle 18 miles a day .
3 Victory on Majed , Fishki , Wellwotdouthink , Ambuscade and Programmed To Win , by an aggregate of 41 lengths and at accumulated odds of 43–1 , boosted Niven 's tally for the season to 32 .
4 The ‘ law ’ of natural evolution or development , especially when popularized by Herbert Spencer and applied to society , was said to parallel traditional Christian reliance on Divine Providence and meant that the expansion of Nonconformity at home and the extraordinary growth of British power and influence abroad could be seen as part of the same phenomenon .
5 Steve Harris , a director who joined Medeva soon after Taylor , had experience of OTC and explained to Chemistry in Britain the rationale for this decision .
6 Somewhere here were the contributions of Duroc 's ancestors : a series of articles co-written by Pierre Henri Duroc and Donatien Alphonse Francois , Marquis de Sade , speculating on the limits of the human mind when confronted with endless pain ; some transcripts from the meetings of Robespierre 's Committee of Public Safety , in which the fates of some of the first families of France were decided on a whim ; a suppressed account of certain discoveries in a pre-human city that came to light in 19th-century French Equatorial Africa before the cyclopean stones mysteriously sank into the soft jungle earth ; Cauchemar et Fils , Maitres des Mondes Perdues , an unpublished novel by M. Jules Verne that was purchased from the author by a Great-Great-Great-Uncle and consigned to obscurity because it described a steam-driven engine to open up a gateway to a world of dreams that bore a remarkable similarity to a device that the Duroc of the time had indeed developed .
7 Prudence as opposed to boldness now seemed the keyword .
8 John had been moved to Norfolk and promoted to Corporal and he wrote to Anne nearly every day , loving letters which helped to make her grief for her mother more bearable .
9 She was also mightily relieved when I gave up wearing sweaters on TV-am and reverted to jacket and tie .
10 On one occasion Wallace rode daringly down upon Scone and put to flight an English justiciar who was busily pronouncing outlawry upon anyone who refused to swear loyalty to Edward .
11 Orlando Azcué Rodriguez was arrested on 5 April 1990 in Havana and brought to trial on 12 October on charges of making ‘ enemy propaganda ’ .
12 He was taken off by a helicopter from RAF Valley , Anglesey and flown to hospital in Barrow-in-Furness .
13 In contrast , the conformation of CsA when bound to cyclophilin is very different from either the crystal or chloroform-solution structures of uncomplexed CsA .
14 He gave up engineering that year and went to the United States , where he married Flora Small of New York and settled to writing .
15 Below : Ripstop nylon samples from Carrington Novare and Bainbridge as supplied to kite manufacturers for selection of colour and weight of spinnaker cloth .
16 The most extensive deposit of this material is found in north China , where it is derived from the deserts of Mongolia and transported to north China by the strong northwesterly winter winds .
17 The scene completed , a car took Burton straight to the airport and he was flown to Los Angeles and admitted to hospital .
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