Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ On the way up to Luxor or on the way back ? ’
2 The Consolidated Regulations of the Inns of Court , together with the particulars of the scholarships and prizes available , can be had by applying to the Sub-Treasurer at the Inner Temple or to the Under-Treasurer at the other three Inns .
3 They also made a good point , that all timber-frame houses should be formally recorded as such either by the NHBC or on the title deeds , ‘ so that people realise they are living in a timber-frame house and can take professional advice when making alterations ’ .
4 Will he further confirm that the consequences of the Scottish National party 's policies would be to deprive many hundreds of people of their employment at Rosyth and on the Clyde while still leaving Scotland at risk from the consequences of a nuclear attack on Barrow or on the north of England ?
5 The total cost was estimated at $600,000 , although only around $60,000 was reimbursed to the government either by Sununu or by the Republican Party .
6 In Glasgow he had picked up many of the skills that a more highly-born politician might have acquired in the Oxford Union or at the Bar , but skills that were very different in appearance .
7 Whichever approach is adopted ( that of the SDPP or of the School Management Task Force ) the head has to decide whether it is practicable in his or her school to assume that the more that teachers are asked to do in the way of auditing , laying plans , implementing them and reviewing them , the more they will understand about the effectiveness of pupils ' learning .
8 Recent fighting in ( to name but a few ) Togo or Rwanda or on the Senegal-Mauritania border has lacked even that vestigial interest for western readers .
9 Of the seventy-eight clergy whom he ordained , fifty-three had to make the difficult journey to Pelynt for their ordination , either at Trelawne or in the parish church , while in his last seven years as Bishop , only twice did he travel to Exeter for an ordination .
10 Historicism presumes that a concept of history can be borrowed for Marxism from Hegel or from the practice of empiricist historians without difficulty and without asking how such a concept is specific to Marxism : for Althusser the crucial question is to ask ‘ what must be the content of the concept of history imposed by Marx 's theoretical problematic ? ’
11 The opinion gained ground — an opinion with which Eric Ashby would evidently have had some sympathy — that the employment of a full-time tutor for the county , whether by the WEA or by the University Extra-Mural Board , placed constraints on branches ' freedom to choose subjects of study because of pressure to find a viable programme for the full-timer to teach .
12 Someone at Templecombe or on the estates around .
13 ‘ As far as I can see we can either go for Dersingham or for the man himself .
14 The CKR , therefore , was designed as a closed system that precluded negotiations of either the CKR or of the master bill of lading that contained the no disp clause .
15 Meredith that on the grass with his chin tilted to the sky as if sunbathing .
16 Bede says of the episcopal authority of Bishop Wilfrid in the reign of Oswiu that it embraced Northumbrians and Picts as far as the power of Oswiu extended ( HE III , 3 ) , and the Life of Wilfrid that in the reign of Ecgfrith it widened still further so that Wilfrid was bishop of the Saxons ( that is , the Northumbrians ) in the south and the Britons , Scots and Picts in the north ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 21 ) .
17 And as a Warsaw Pact leader they know him more intimately in the Kremlin than in the West .
18 It is matched only by the insistence of the anonymous reviewer of the TLS that in The Lord of the Rings all the good and bad sides do is try to kill each other , so that they can not be told apart : ‘ Morally there seems nothing to choose between them . ’
19 Terry Eagleton , oddly , dismisses evidence from Daniel Defoe that in the coffee houses of London it was not uncommon for mechanicks to hold forth on issues of the day .
20 To hear some people talk , you would think such things are all in a jumbled undifferentiated past , much as the Louis XIV 's palace of Versailles with its real hall of mirrors now also houses Jacques-Louis David 's massive celebrations of Napoleon and of the revolution which brought down the Bourbons .
21 Die-cast metal plaques presented by ARPS and in the Volunteer Sector a cheque for £750 presented by Ian Allan Ltd .
22 Stroll along the disused railway line from Lewes to Uckfield and around the Seven Sisters Country Park where you can enjoy the coastal scene .
23 Family placement team members will be manning stalls at Alton market on Tuesday and at the Forest Centre , Bordon , on Thursday , to reinforce information broadcast nationwide during a week-long television campaign .
24 Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the stabbing to death of the young black schoolboy Rolan Adams and in the year since then 15 black families — council tenants and owner-occupiers — have been driven out of their homes on the Thamesmead estate .
25 After it it seen this week at the Tron Theatre , Glasgow , the company will be taking Antigone to the Mercat Theatre in Drumchapel and to the Gorbals Unemployed Workers ' Centre , where Reekie expects that the ‘ strong , accessible storyline ’ of the play will appeal to an audience who respond to exactly such elements when they are presented in the form of TV soaps .
26 Skarsnik had other enemies to crush , and would launch huge attacks against Karak Azul , Barak Varr and throughout the Badlands over the course of the next three summers .
27 He envisaged a regional security arrangement with firm guarantees of a timetable for Soviet force withdrawals from Afghanistan and of the functions of residual Soviet forces in this country .
28 One small group heads for Iran ; the rest fly through the Soviet Union , across the battlefields of Afghanistan and past the guns of Pakistani poachers to the monsoon-soaked plains of India , where they pass a lazy winter feeding on plants .
29 The Sunnite Muslims , who are dominant in Anatolia , Afghanistan and among the Turkoman nomads , forbid the depiction of living forms , whereas the Shiite Muslims of Persia — and , of course , the Hindu , Taoist and Buddhist cultures of India and China — are not bound by such doctrinal restraints .
30 Ease of travel Was one of the benefits brought by an empire as large and stable as the Persian , which after the conquests of Cyrus , Kambyses and Darius I in the second half of the sixth century extended from Thrace to modern Afghanistan and from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf and the Third Cataract of the Nile .
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