Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [pron] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those countries that could not ‘ keep up ’ with Germany or which were on a different economic cycle from her would suffer badly in terms of their standards of living .
2 Within the workforce , unemployment was greater among immigrants from the New Commonwealth and Pakistan than it was among native-born citizens or those from other European countries .
3 Yes , it occurs to me to ask is Islam less strict in Kuwait than it is in Saudi Arabia , where , I gather , women are not allowed to drive cars , thieves will have their hands cut off and things like that .
4 Lotus Development Corp is declining to comment on a report in the US edition of the Wall Street Journal on Friday that it is in talks to add a database management system to its product line by buying privately-held Approach Software Corp .
5 There are more students in higher education in South Korea and soon Taiwan that there are in Britain .
6 Her name was Nellie and she was in the same class as me at school and her family had not long moved into the neighbourhood .
7 He 'd say , ‘ Well , I 'm in a meeting on Tuesday and I 'm on MTV on Thursday . ’
8 Oh the thing in front of me it 's Malcolm Adams and I 'm with the National Association of British Steel Pensions .
9 Marie and me were on our honeymoon , staying with my brother in Darlington , when I got this letter from my mother saying we must come back immediately because they were starting the shoot .
10 I 'm gon na need it this week and or next Saturday cos I 'm in in the morning , and I 'm getting I think I 'm gon na get boots as well .
11 I 'm from Nebraska and he 's from Kentucky and the accent is fairly similar , we both have very nasal accents and I just pushed this as a musical thing . ’
12 The documents that they want to produce will , therefore , determine the software that they will select ; most people , for example , would choose Ventura if they are after long , regularly structured documents as opposed to PageMaker with the reverse being true for free-form material .
13 I am sure we all have one objective in mind , which is how we can best serve our members , and I 'm sure that both Richard and I are of the same view on this .
14 And it was , honestly , it was such a mess and Angie and I were like , oh this is n't our room .
15 cos he comes back next Friday and we 're on lates so he 's on earlies so
16 I never negotiated with Volvo and I am in a different position to Nick Faldo and Sandy Lyle .
17 ‘ For your information , Lucy and I are to be married — as soon as possible . ’
18 Lucy and I are to be married . ’
19 Here S. O. Letterman and I are at odds .
20 Robert , Ann and I were in a peculiar position in the elementary school for the Headmaster was our father .
21 The other feature , I think , of the debt that 's worth drawing your attention to is a sharp shift towards variable debt compared to a year ago , a number of our swaps have matured , we 've put one new one in er , some of our medium term notes have matured in the , in the States and we 're at last in a position to take more advantage of er , lower , short term variable interest rates than we were .
22 They looked really comical , and Frankie and I were in fits of laughter trying to help them .
23 " She 'd gone to see her parents in Hilderbridge and I was with mine in Jackley . "
24 Chalmers , however , has scored tries against the Welsh on their last two visits to Murrayfield and he is on something of a high this week after the announcement of his engagement .
25 They played golf every Saturday if it was at all possible .
26 ‘ I 'd like to point out that I am not Dana and I am with you , not Garry , ’ she said , flicking her tongue across dry lips .
27 Having heard that , and secondly due to your patience er through your patience getting clarification that it the borough could if it wished allocate its sixty hectares under this structure plan policy outside the town centres and that things that then took place in town centres would be extra , it 's not something they have to do but it 's a freedom they would have in their local plan , having heard those two things , the concern I 've got that even at sixty hectares , Harrogate 's allocation was too small erm really recedes very quickly sir , and would completely disappear and here Mr Allenby and I are at one ,
28 After leaving the church Dalgliesh went briefly back to the Yard to pick up his files on Theresa Nolan and Diana Travers and it was after midday before he arrived at 62 Campden Hill Square .
29 Oh erm Tam if you 're in this house .
30 Ceauşescu 's ‘ family ’ included the coterie of long-time sycophants and aides who lived in the villas around the presidential palace in northern Bucharest and who were on call to attend upon the Comrade should he feel the need for advice , flattery or entertainment .
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