Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 In a recent analysis that compared economic evaluations of the same intervention ( a new drug ) performed by identical methods in four countries , Drummond et al showed that although the drug was 36% more expensive in the United States than in the three European Community ( EC ) countries considered , it was also more cost effective in the United States because of the relative price and use of other health care resources compared with those in the EC ( such as the higher charges for surgical operations ) .
2 Tests have been conducted at Lop Nor since the 1960s , including two last year , but Beijing denied any responsibility on the grounds that Lop Nor was downwind of Kazakhstan .
3 That attitude shaped the thinking of the Leaders and Trustees in Edenderry and during the mid-1930s the need for a larger building was felt .
4 As we saw , in the early phase of psychoanalysis , before World War One , when it was dominated by the view of Freud and in the eighteen nineties , and when psychoanalysis was mainly id analysis , and concerned with the unconscious , Freud took the view of anxiety as a pathological transformation of the libido .
5 Latin America is familiar territory for many in ELT although in the '80s it was sometimes neglected .
6 Second only to the family , his chief love was for the North of Scotland and in the mid-fifties he realised a life-time ambition by becoming the owner of a 26,000-acre estate in Sutherland and , typical of the man , here he turned this unit into a sound agricultural business as well as a sporting estate .
7 Observed and expected numbers for leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma were combined and are shown in table II for ages 0–4 , 5–14 , 15–24 , and 0–24 by oil worker category in urban and rural Scotland and in the three periods .
8 Its 20 staff support two distributors and 11 resellers across Ireland and in the six counties north of the border which make up Northern Ireland .
9 But we know we ca n't get into Spain because of the 1992 Olympics . "
10 On May 5 the Foreign Ministers of East and West Germany and of the four major victorious allied powers of the Second World War — France , the Soviet Union , the United Kingdom and the United States — met in Bonn , the West German capital , for the first meeting at this level in the so-called " two-plus-four " discussions on the security implications of German unification [ see pp. 37259-60 for February agreement on talks ] .
11 Hungarian lawyers before the war were proud of the fact that Hungarian civil law was a non-codified body of law based on the ‘ common custom of the realm ’ and crystallized in decisions of the Curia and of the five appeal courts .
12 During the visit , Qian also met SNC members from the four factions , and the representatives in Phnom Penh of the UN and of the five major powers .
13 He supervised the transport and erection of a pair of colossal statues of the king of Karnak and of the two colossal statues , known as the Colossi of Memnon , which were placed at the entrance of Amenophis III 's mortuary temple in western Thebes .
14 Church bells rang out over the sunlit streets of Bristol and across the two rivers where a fine evening haze spread , blurring the edges of the buildings , disguising flaws in paint and plaster , softening the impact of rags , heightening the charm of sprigged muslin and chintz .
15 And I 'm actually paraphrasing the chief executive of of North Yorkshire County Council there , Mr when on the two tier government .
16 Now my Lord as is er then made clear in a statement of claim paragraph three fifteen erm between the twenty third of October and about the twenty second of November the plaintiff then acting upon the advice of Peter that it was not possible to withdraw on this contract , did endeavour to complete upon the deal as soon as possible , very much with the timing in his mind and eventually after some toing and froing which er will be demonstrated in the course of the evidence , agreement was reached with the landlord for his consent to the assignment to be given er on condition that there was payment of some advance rent by the plaintiff .
17 The powerful influence of the Bantu press was to undermine most other African attempts at a truly independent press not only in South Africa but in the two Rhodesias as well .
18 They went onto the shelf behind his chair , between the photographs of Sara and of the two boys .
19 The 1948 British Nationality Act renamed them Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies ( CUKCs ) , but the people of Hong Kong retained their right of abode in Britain and during the 1950's were positively encouraged to go to the ‘ Mother Country ’ to fill job vacancies .
20 Ferenc Puskas was Major Puskas and during the 1956 uprising there were reports he had been killed .
21 In that year the first Aberdeen Angus steer won the Silver Cup at Smithfield and the breed 's fame spread rapidly , first into France and during the 1870s to North America , and also Australia and New Zealand .
22 The east and west wings were not , in any case , built to Chambers ' designs but were added , respectively , in the 1820s ( for King 's College ) by Sir Robert Smirke and in the 1850s by Sir James Pennethorne .
23 Speedie , a one-time Quaker with Darlington and like the two managers a former number seven at Anfield , headed his second on the hour and side-footed his third after a mix up between Wright and Liam O'Brien with fifteen minutes left .
24 The Department of Education had been established by Jimmy Carter and during the 1980 campaign Reagan had declared his intention to abolish the department if elected .
25 We found that it was cheaper for the four Europeans to travel to America than for the two Americans to come to London or Berlin .
26 This entitled him to search for and sell ‘ natural gas , petroleum , asphalt and ozokerite ’ throughout all of Persia except in the five northern provinces adjoining Russia .
27 Further proposals were submitted on Nov. 27-28 by the EC and by the four Nordic countries .
28 His initial duties were to assist with fieldwork for the magnetic survey of India and by the 1908–9 field season he was in charge of operations in south-west India .
29 Bryan was manager of the Irish teams which played in 1981 at Long Beach , in 1985 in London and in the 1991 Perth Festival , and he says : ‘ They were wonderful events , all of them , but we are planning in Dublin to make 1993 the jewel in the crown ’ .
30 After Morris came Joe Karam and as the 70s went on and on Mains kept playing to his high level for Southern and Otago , but that All Black place he had held so briefly seemed to get further and further away .
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