Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] [vb pp] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Meredith simply continued to eye him steadily , and he chuckled .
2 Iris Murdoch briefly warmed to Buddhism in her middle years , and more recently adopted a congenially fellow-travelling stance to Christianity much like Larkin 's : ‘ There are advantages , ’ she has remarked in an interview , ‘ in staying with the icons of one 's own people . ’
3 It was with his father Paul 's encouragement that Pascal eventually set to work on the project , which has been ‘ something of a labour of love over the last few years ’ .
4 Ranging from Cubism , represented by Henri Le Fauconnier 's painting ‘ Mountaineers attacked by bears ’ to the revived Expressionism of Karl Friedrich Gotsch , a pupil of Kokoschka once consigned to oblivion .
5 The answer is that , despite his biographer 's sterling efforts to dig up neat psychoanalytic excuses for even his most venal sins , a Dickens often given to kindness , empathy and geniality but more predominantly disposed to be cruel , self-centred , self-pitying and sententious does not come over as an especially lovable specimen .
6 On the other hand , their absence from many of the wards they had fought in 1986 in places such as Cherwell , Portsmouth , Stevenage and Waveney directly contributed to Labour 's success .
7 Stimulated and excited by Haydn 's example , Mozart immediately set to work on a similar set , K.168–73 , in which denser textures , use of contrapuntal devices , and a more rigorous approach , as opposed to the sensuous , Italianate tunefulness of the earlier set , all point to Haydn 's influence .
8 Mozart was by no means the first freelance composer to die in financial difficulties in the days before copyright law and performance rights afforded the artist some protection : 60 years later the German composer Gustav Lortzing literally starved to death after having to sell his hugely successful operas to publishers for a pitifully inadequate outright fee , which denied him any further revenue .
9 Monday 's stories included that of the Annunciation , recalling both Adam 's fall and Christ 's redemption in such a way that sin and redemption appear as simultaneous action constantly re-enacted : Such meditation is closely connected with Julian 's visionary experience of the lord and the servant in which Adam and Christ become one figure , Adam falling and Christ instantly subjected to death as sin precipitates the Incarnation in the work of mercy and love .
10 As the summer wore on and Dubah 's name kept cropping up in raw intelligence data from DEA/NARCOG informants , Coleman eventually reported to Donleavy that , without ever leaving the country , the Syrian spymaster seemed to have his hand in the pockets of everybody engaged in the Bekaa 's drug traffic , from Damascus to Dearborn .
11 His ball to brother Gary McDowell was touched on to Neil Sibble who 's first tie shot was cannoned off the bar , that was the nearest that Banbury really got to scoring .
12 His delegates in France immediately set to work to nominate these regional administrators .
13 As Coleman subsequently reported to Control , this pretty well summed up the relationship between Hurley and the spooks in Nicosia .
14 Jo Garcia sportingly agreed to flesh out the survey 's findings by revealing exactly what she found attractive about her lovers — Chris , Erick , ex-husband Steve , and current partner Geoff — and giving them marks out of ten for looks , manners , eligibility , personality , kissing ability and sexiness .
15 Millicent Fawcett vehemently objected to family allowances becoming a feminist plank and clung to the typically nineteenth-century belief that allowances ‘ would destroy the fabric of family life by wiping out the responsibility of parents for the maintenance of their children ’ .
16 Mrs Oram 's three-year-old son Charles almost choked to death in thick fumes after the £30 Safe and Sound monitor ‘ spontaneously ignited ’ .
17 The Caesars eventually turned to Christianity and became Popes .
18 A sleepy old town is Devizes Not given to chaos and crisis The major event 's A canoe race in Lent With stiff backs and sore bums as prizes !
19 With Laura still opposed to advertising , ( ‘ too commercial ’ ) their options were few .
20 Later , Crawford generously conceded to Sherrin that the decision was right and it was a lesson in not using substandard material .
21 Needless to say , he was soon talking to God on the big white telephone but that did n't stop his band-mates from trying to drink seven pints of water in 30 minutes , followed by a dry Weetabix race upon which the Kinkies nearly choked to death , thus depriving the world of a hot new item .
22 Given this power , it is possible that Gloucester simply yielded to temptation in 1483 , first to dominate the minority and then , when that proved easy , to make himself king .
23 Given this power , it is possible that Gloucester simply yielded to temptation in 1483 , first to dominate the minority and then , when that proved easy , to make himself king .
24 The SLORC frequently resorted to violence and terror to subdue its opponents .
25 Thus , for example , the existence of the acid rain problem in Scandinavia initially pointed to emission sources in the United Kingdom as the cause .
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