Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] [vb past] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The days were getting shorter and colder , and with Christmas approaching there was so much to do in the kitchen Sarah rarely had a spare minute .
2 The fact that Brolly began work as a barrister last March obviously meant a complete change in lifestyle , and that coincided with a loss in form .
3 Men such as Syd obviously took a great deal of pride in their work — woe betide a fireman or fitter who did not do a good job !
4 I listened with fascination to this insider viewpoint , and the moody Miss Brickell suddenly became a real person , not a pathetic collection of dry bones , but a mixed-up pulsating young woman full of strong urges and stronger guilts who 'd piled on too much pressure , loaded her need of penitence and her heavy desires and perhaps finally her pregnancy onto someone who could n't bear it all , and who 'd seen a violent way to escape her .
5 As demand for food rose , the United States suddenly became a major exporter of agricultural goods , the surplus on that account rising from $1½ billion in 1972 to $10½ billion in 1974 .
6 The NL especially suffered a major split because of its refusal after 1906 to endorse Conservative candidates .
7 Robert Meaby , whose brother Brian and the Eastbourne captain had been on the wrong end of a five and four beating in the bottom match , had with Christopher Walker already enjoyed a fair share of excitement , halving the shorter length with a birdie putt after Shrewsbury had chipped in for a two .
8 Once the original rearmament furore had subsided , WEU largely became a useless appendage , existing passively within NATO .
9 By then , Branson already had an alternative tactic in mind .
10 For all his qualities , which are many , in those days Dennis still had a huge chip on his shoulder .
11 THE United States yesterday ordered a quick reaction force into the southern Somali port of Kismayu to investigate militia fighting that led to the suspension of national reconciliation talks in Addis Ababa .
12 PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe yesterday made an impassioned call for a Marxist-Leninist single party state in Zimbabwe .
13 Faldo still enjoyed a three-stroke cushion , but the pumped-up Australian resembled an executioner as he hacked away at the Open champion 's lead .
14 But the American High Commissioner in West Germany and the American commander-elect of NATO lent their voices to the idea , and the United States quickly became an important supporter of the project .
15 Thomas Hardy always included a stamped , addressed envelope with his contributions .
16 Wright still managed an accurate shot but , unfortunately for him , it grazed the near post and rolled harmlessly across goal .
17 In an uncharacteristic move , IBM France SA yesterday launched a full bid for France 's tenth largest software and computer services house CGI Informatique SA .
18 The poets and writers who had been instrumental in organizing the younger painters at the Indépendants also played a large part in uniting the different aspects of Cubism .
19 The United States also became a still more potent international competitor in the 1980S — especially in fields such as computers .
20 Rambaldi also created an extra head with 20 further movements of eyes and tongue .
21 These doctors must be grossly overpaid , unless — yes , Toby Latimer clearly had a private income which allowed him to indulge his tastes to the full .
22 ‘ Perhaps Dennis also lunged a little bit and Fitzroy was maybe trying to protect him self .
23 Mr Gorbachev also had a sharp message for the Lithuanian party , which is planning to break away from the Soviet Communist party .
24 Prince Edward also paid an unofficial three-day visit to Russia as patron of the National Youth Theatre .
25 David also rediscovered an elaborate but obscure memorial at Catterick to those of the local camp and aerodrome who fell in the 1914–18 war .
26 Dundee also suffered a major blow when player/manager Simon Stainrod limped off seven minutes from the interval .
27 Nottinghamshire originally sought a prohibited steps order to keep the perpetrator away from the family home , but was turned down by the High Court which said it had no option other than to make a residence order .
28 Joseph Hucks now seemed a poor companion in comparison with Coleridge 's new Oxford friend , and as the two men walked on under a blazing sun , first to Gloucester — ‘ a nothing-to-be-said about Town ’ — and then to Ross-on-Wye , Coleridge 's thoughts returned constantly to the substance of his conversations with Southey .
29 DUP leader Ian Paisley today launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister John Major over his ability to handle the Dublin Government .
30 Uncle Edgar even dammed a little pool so they could have a dip with their picnics .
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