Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] [verb] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , Picasso obviously had a more forceful and dynamic personality than Braque , and this had impressed itself strongly on influential critics such as Apollinaire , Salmon and Vauxcelles , with whom he was more friendly than was Braque .
2 Stonehenge still has a very special air in spite of the official attempts to destroy the place ; York Minster has it , and Chartres has it to an incredible extent .
3 The United States also has a far greater ethnic mix than Britain .
4 Marks and Spencer also sell a very good Blanc de Noirs .
5 With the considerable degree of replanting in the last few centuries it is possible that the Weald now exhibits a more wooded aspect than at any time since the early medieval period .
6 Warwick too had a very good performance and er , and maintained its er , attendances .
7 In 1951 , Scotland eventually ran a much more fancied Welsh side off their feet and won going away , but there was no question of exercising a clinical control virtually from kick-off to no-side as there was last Saturday .
8 They connived together : Emma taking a little more of Ruth at intervals ; Rachaela gladly giving a little more .
9 Theodore thereby gave a wholly new dimension to the authority of the archbishop of Canterbury within the Anglo-Saxon Church .
10 IBM already has a very modestly parallel four-CPU system , the Shared Memory System Power/4 , available on special bid since December 1 .
11 James Wilby and Sally Anne Field both offer a more tangible and less clinical love story than the dangerous liaison between the game-keeper turned heart-poacher and the sex-starved adulteress .
12 IBM also runs a very successful bureau service here in the UK and in many other countries throughout the world .
13 Sainsbury also claimed a comparatively modest rate of usage of headhunting , preferring to concentrate even more on long-term policies of training up graduates .
14 WordStar now has a much friendlier set of drop-down menus , which means you do n't have to remember those cryptic keyboard shortcuts .
15 ‘ You mean … ’ and here Mr Hadley actually hesitated a little , ‘ they were making love ? ’
16 Jack Hayden obviously has a very close affinity with William Terris ' ghost because when he made a purposeful visit to Covent Garden Station recently he saw him ‘ as large as life ’ , as if waiting to welcome him back .
17 If his notion of the mode of production as such a totality could not be sustained in a differential relation to other modes of production ( notions of residual and emergent forms notwithstanding ) , Althusser nevertheless offered a particularly interesting theorization of the problems involved in the concept of the historical , articulating the paradoxical conditions of any theorization of history .
18 For no particular reason , Monday always seemed a little dull .
19 They were both so caught up in developments at Crystal Springs that it was sometimes hard for Christina to recall that Stephen still had a stake in a totally separate business empire in England — one that Robert seemed to be finding increasingly hard to administer in his partner 's prolonged absence , though Stephen still kept a very firm grip on English events from Barbados .
20 This high note was sustained as Maurice later compered a traditionally Amicable evening .
21 But the consensus is that Commander Tim Laurence probably has a little more upstairs than the man he has replaced in Princess Anne 's affections , Captain Mark Phillips .
22 But just in case the bed failed to live up to his claims , Dr Graham wisely installed a more familiar sexual stimulus in the form of Emily Lyon , who took the form of Hygeia and danced naked for the clientele .
23 And erm they had a , obviously a very productive meeting and , and it , they did n't say a lot about it but overall they said that really Roger and Helen now had a much better understanding of the direction we wanted to go in in the future and were pretty supportive of it really .
24 Einstein originally proposed a very small cosmological constant in the hope of balancing the tendency of matter to make the universe contract .
25 I think much will depend on the weather , but Cambridge really have a very big chance of winning this boat race .
26 The conflict was an ‘ absolutely senseless ’ one , according to Brezhnev at this time , and the USSR initially took a broadly neutral position , hoping to retain the alliance with Iraq but at the same time not to alienate the new and anti-Western Khomeini government in Iran .
27 Stirling later made a particularly telling comment when he said that ‘ the agreement of three architects in any particular section would render it quite impossible for the other judges , as unprofessional men , to record an adverse opinion ’ .
28 However , Jenkins also identified a far larger third group ‘ ordinary kids ’ who fitted neither of these two extremes and developed a range of survival strategies in and out of work and a pragmatic acceptance of their position .
29 Water condition : Slightly acid to neutral water with a pH of 6.5–7.0 Will also tolerate a very slightly alkaline condition , then the leaves will grow slightly puckered , and turn dull in colour .
30 His friend Sir Thomas Lauder of Grange and Fountainhall tells of one humorous incident where Geikie once followed a particularly pompous , pot-bellied and self-assertive porter through the marketplace sketching as he went until the victim got angry and chased him into a house from whose attic window Geikie completed the sketch with some extra touches to show features of indignation to perfect the picture .
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