Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [det] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It may not be generally known that on the first Tuesday of each month there is an Interdenominational Church Service at 10.30 am at the Nursing Home which is usually well attended .
2 Up on Albert Hill in all likelihood its operations were on the banks of the eponymous river where the Cleveland Industrial Estate is now it had a massive and profitable operation covering 22 acres , employing 1,000 men and boys and working 90 furnaces .
3 Certainly he was determined to dissociate the United States from any settlement which made concessions to the communists .
4 If we were supplying Marks and Spencer in this country it might be the answer but er
5 Yet in the States at this time there was a real explosion of sexual activity , of public sexual activity , the development of gay saunas , the development of sexually explicit magazines ; there was a huge migration , really , to New York , San Francisco , Los Angeles by gay people , a whole burgeoning of a literature and expression of new sexual activities which I do n't think was really echoed to the same extent until quite late in the seventies in this country .
6 An incident occurred in March of that year which brought a new depth and meaning to the " war " on drugs .
7 In March of that year he sailed back to Ontario where he bought a farm , the land of which is now part of the city of Brantford .
8 In March of this year they entered their first dog show at Ardingly and Tammy [ the brown one ] did quite well , and Mike and Anne were hooked .
9 Erm on the on the twenty third or thereabouts on the twenty third of March of this year I myself got stopped for drink driving .
10 Wales is being given a quite different quota to England and because Cornwall is being included in England for this purpose we are being unfairly treated by Wales ' being generously treated .
11 We , in the election and we should , and we should wait for America and try and advise America a a and , and take a view , a a it oh o otherwise madness lies , if there were people who gon na make deals with bits of Russia for this grievance we 're gon na be in a terrible state .
12 In February of this year she was locked up in chains after giving herself up .
13 In May of that year there was an Iraqi Exocet missile attack in the Strait of Hormuz on the USS Stark , which was engaged in the protection of merchant shipping .
14 Upon 26 December of that year he used the opportunity of the restoration of the Rump Parliament to issue the first of a succession of twice-weekly news-books .
15 In July of that year he followed the Toolmakers ' Society into the merger which created the Amalgamated Engineering Union and in the same month became a founder-member of the Communist party of Great Britain , in which the BSP was absorbed .
16 On 28 July of that year there appeared in The Seaman a leading article headed " Shall We Shake Hands " , making no apology for the conflicts of the past , but offering to the Federation , as one powerful organisation to another , the hand of friendship provided that it was willing to set aside its " preposterous contention " that all seamen should carry a Federation ticket and further suggesting a joint board along the lines operated for many years by the Durham miners .
17 The word came from Ruth with such force it startled her .
18 Very often we are only interested in θ satisfying θ ≤ U. In this case we would stop as soon as a tableau is reached in which θ ≥ U.
19 If one man has come to symbolise the hard , inner edge that has driven England to such success it is Winterbottom .
20 In Tuscany and Umbria to this day there are countless hill towns of much the same age as the hill forts of southern England — a few of them much older .
21 In England at this time it was quite avant garde to possess a refrigerator .
22 Well Maggie at this place they called the White Horse and it was two er two pence for a nip .
23 ‘ Not the piano music , nor the hackneyed old Bolero , but Ravel in this mood I find irresistible . ’
24 It is clear that for Roy at any rate his philosophy for life is one that works for him .
25 We apologise to Mr Hancock for any embarrassment which our report may have caused him .
26 In October of this year I would like to hold another sale to raise £1,000 for Breast Cancer Research and would like to ask you readers if they would help me once again by donating one item no matter how small , or if they have some spare yarn but not time to knit it up and would like to donate the yarn I have some people who would help me to knit it .
27 Well I had Mrs in this morning she had a tooth out this morning and he broke it and he tried to get the rest out you know using a special instrument and he twisted it and a fragment of the tooth come off and hit me straight in the eye .
28 Sid James , Joan Sims , Kenneth Connor , Charles Hawtrey , Jim Dale and Ken linking up for once with Sheila Hancock in this epic which seemed to satisfy everybody .
29 At that time , although the night work had to continue , we were not very busy , and instead of having two Waafs on all night we were allowed to split the night between us , changing over at 2am .
30 In a May 27 statement , Hussein Musavi , leader of Islamic Amal ( a Hezbollah faction ) , offered the release of some British hostages in exchange for the expulsion from the UK to any country it chose of Salman Rushdie , the author of the controversial novel The Satanic Verses [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
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