Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [noun prp] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But we have to do everything we can to find whatever it was he gave to Tristram before October the eleventh . ’
2 I left Valladolid for Salamanca the next day .
3 Thursday the tenth of February on Wednesday the ninth , now this is all on the assumption that everything is going for us
4 From Norton Road in Malton the next 12 miles of the route continues into Norton , down to the village of Settrington and south to North Grimston .
5 There was a further moment of hesitation , then she said : 'He flew to Geneva on Friday the fourth of November and returned on Monday the fourteenth . ’
6 He got together with the T V presenter when she opened a half size replica of Sleeping Beauty 's castle at Battersea Park , in London the castle , giving visitors a preview of the Euro-Disney Centre which opens near Paris on April the twelfth .
7 Yeah , were going to be using the first plane on Hong Kong on February the first
8 The court was told that Lord Apsley was arrested by Ministry of Defence Police when he arrived in his Land Rover for a function at the Duke of Gloucester Barrcks at South Cerney on November the 30th last year .
9 I I asked the er the minister earlier about this question and I appreciate his difficulties being a home office minister rather than a foreign office minister and I quite understand his reluctance to er stray too far from his departmental portfolio but the reality is that the British government agreed that the European parliament should continue to meet in Strasbourg but we 've heard nothing from the minister as to where the money should come from er in order to make that commitment a reality because I 'm sure that every member opposite would say that the uncertainty about the present boundaries is not the er responsibility of the British government , that it 's a matter for the French government to sort out which boundaries er will be in place in the United Kingdom by June the ninth , the date of the European elections , but the reality is that the British government have gone along with the arrangement for having Strasbourg recognised as a er seat for the European parliament .
10 There 's been no outside aid for civilians in Central Bosnia since October the 25th when convoys were halted after the killing of a Danish truck driver …
11 And that new show , ’ Oscar ’ , is running at the Old Fire Station Theatre in Oxford until July the 4th .
12 As my honourable friend said from the front bench , the Labour party is absolutely firmly committed now both by the voices of the leadership and the votes and the resolutions at our party conference that we are in favour of a proportional representation system for the European parliament and I hope that when the elections come Mr Deputy Speaker , and people will be arguing about why they 're voting for Europe on June the ninth in one boundary as opposed to another and why they 've got erm erm different rules for this election of course as indeed for the last European election because the registration will be different , allowing all kinds of erm how can I put it foreigners in inverted commas , to vote in our elections in this country because it is the European elections that we will actually put the point across that er for the future there will be different arrangements made indeed .
13 Now we talk about the second successive clean sheet , the first for United what , Wednesday night against Milwall since October the twentieth , so what 's happened to stop the goals going in ?
14 I hereby give notice that an inspector appointed by the Department of the Environment will attend at Bodicote House , Bodicote , Banbury on Thursday the 9th of March , 1989 at 10.00 a.m. to hold a local Inquiry into the above development which was refused for the reasons stated on the attached sheets marked ‘ Notice of Refusal of Permission for Development ’ .
15 Yeah , that 's right , erm , there is to be a public transport conference and at Edwinstowe on Wednesday the ninth of November , and there 's erm
16 This seems to be a deliberate compliment by Shakespeare to James the First ( of England ) and Sixth ( of Scotland ) , who had begun to touch for the ‘ king 's evil ’ or scrofula by 1606 .
17 Port Vale v Leicester The 1,000th competitive fixture at Vale Park .
18 Oh mostly that really , supposedly going to America in February the sixth and the doctor , she said to the doctor what 's the matter and he said you 're really , really run down then he said to her what I suggest you do is to go and buy some cartons of fresh orange juice , a jar of honey and some natural live yoghurt and she 's ate it all , now she 's got diarrhoea ca n't win can ya ?
19 The body of Jim Eggleton , who was seventy was found at his home in Russell 's Water near Nettlebed in Oxfordshire on January the fourth .
20 I saw him in Lindos on Sunday the sixth . ’
21 As the bunch first of all climbs their one Pyrenean mountain , the Col de Marie-Blanque , then snakes through the hot foothills from Spain into France , 230 kilometres to Pau on Monday , then 200 kilometres from Pau to Bordeaux the next day , many riders will chance their arm to form a winning breakaway .
22 And an announcement will be made later today about the venue for the World Cup qualifier between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland which is scheduled for Belfast on November the seventeenth .
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