Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our principal exposure to the public arose from the chance that Her Majesty the Queen became interested and used Motability as the centre for her Christmas address in 1981 .
2 Clearly , however , the needs we have identified at Stirling for the transmission of documents , images and so on are also arising at other sites — and between sites as well .
3 This Act was unsuccessful also in its attempt to develop the New Forest as a source of timber by a ‘ rolling programme ’ of inclosure .
4 Schanberg did n't return to Cambodia until last summer , fourteen years later , when he accompanied Roland Joffé for the première of The Killing Fields in Phnom Penh .
5 BRIAN ANDREW , a controversial figure in the parochial world of Cornish rugby , will at last play in a county championship final tomorrow , having twice lost out to Graham Dawe for a place in the Twickenham spotlight .
6 It is a fine building , an example of fifteenth-century Gothic , with a good sculpted figure of Hercules as a child under the last on the right of the four arches .
7 I realized a long time ago why you were so set on Charlie and me marrying , and I 'm very fond of him , and I 'd like to go on living at Lady Mead for the rest of my life .
8 NORWEGIAN international Gunnar Halle last night cited veteran Ray Wilkins as an example of double standards in English football .
9 Accusations of corruption had been levelled against Ibrahim for a number of years , and in May President Gayoom yielded to demands that the State Trading Organization ( STO ) , which was under Ibrahim 's control , be investigated for evidence of corruption .
10 Across from the Palazzo della Ragione the most impressive building is the Palazzo delle Scoule Palatine , the Pallatine School , built in 1645 by the architect Carlo Buzzi as a copy of the Palazzo dei Giureconsulti — proving perhaps that imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery .
11 In this text , as in others written by Nizan as a result of direct experience in Spain , coexist incisive social and political commentary , disturbing and explosive literary images and a sense of personal involvement , almost self-fulfilment .
12 Classical literature is systematically castigated by Nizan as a process of deception centred on myth-making , idealism and symbolism , and designed to defend the oppressive practices of a dying class .
13 Progressive literature is consistently upheld by Nizan as a process of disclosure centred on reality , Marxism and realism , and designed to advocate the justifiable demands of an aspiring class .
14 Najibullah held talks with Soviet leaders in Moscow during a visit on July 29-Aug. 25 , 1990 .
15 Braque , on the other hand , although he was only six months younger than Picasso , was slower in his development and had not yet established himself as a particularly original or significant painter ; indeed , Braque subsequently came to feel that the paintings he executed in Antwerp during the summer of 1906 were his first creative works .
16 Hitler saw Czechoslovakia as the key to breaking Germany 's encirclement while Neville Chamberlain excused his appeasement of Hitler with the excuse that he knew nothing about the Czechs .
17 They also gave their backing to the reincorporation of Panama as a member of the Rio Group of Latin American states .
18 The June conference , meanwhile , had been called by the CPSU central committee in March as a forum for debate on the need for a Russian CP by the 2,744 delegates from the Russian Federation to the forthcoming CPSU congress .
19 It is a little difficult to explain why the 1 January method superseded 25 March as the start of the historical year , although it can be shown that it was in ordinary use early in the eighteenth century , as witness such as ‘ A True and Perfect Inventory of the Goods and Chattells of John Green Deceased the eight day of January 1713/14 ’ .
20 Mr Maurer cites the deal announced in January that allowed the Texan heirs of an American soldier to collect $2.75m from Germany for the return of stolen medieval artefacts known as the Quedlinburg treasures .
21 Although ‘ service ’ was in one sense effected in Illinois the purpose of , and assumption behind , it was that the documents would be transmitted by VWoA to Germany for the attention of VWAG .
22 ‘ Unfortunately they could n't afford to fly over from Germany for the final in Coventry , ’ says Joanne Lunt , ’ but they have played in most of our other big games .
23 The Commission is also under pressure from the Swedes who blame nations like Britain and West Germany for the acidification of their lakes .
24 convinced that the unification of Germany as a state with definitive borders is a significant contribution to peace and stability in Europe ; …
25 In October , after conferences in London and Paris , the alliance was saved , ironically by an agreement to rearm Germany as a member of NATO , the very thing France had rejected in 1950 .
26 After a meeting on April 27 near Cologne between Eppelmann and Gerhard Stoltenberg , the West German Defence Minister , a joint statement declared : " Our goal is a united Germany as a member of the Atlantic Alliance without NATO 's military structures or equipment being extended on to the territory of East Germany .
27 In order that unified Germany could enjoy full sovereignty from Oct. 3 the four allies signed a document in New York on Oct. 1 suspending their " rights and responsibilities with regard to Berlin and Germany as a whole with effect from the time of unification of Germany until the coming into force of the treaty " .
28 They forget that we paid the higher price for the partition of Germany as a precondition for peace in Europe .
29 Also , they note the more marked occupational stability of manual workers in West Germany as a result of the greater prestige of industrial employment , in contrast to France where the employees ' aim on achieving promotion or becoming successful is typically to leave the ranks of the working class and become office workers or independent craftsmen .
30 The treaty defining relations between West and East Germany ( 1972 ) represented a rejection of Adenauer on two key issues : first , it accepted the legitimacy and moral equivalence of East Germany , and secondly it saw accommodation with East Germany as the key to peace in Europe , whereas Adenauer 's policy had been to turn his back on East Germany in the name of freedom and democracy .
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