Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She pours withering scorn upon such ‘ painted poupées ’ as Joan Collins and Liz Taylor for the hours they devote to their images , as well as the men they choose as partners , but one look at the deep lines of bitterness etched into the faces of those women who renounce loving relationships in favour of cats , gardens or anything else tells me all I need to know .
2 Mrs Dawson praised Sarah for the times she has popped in to see if she could help .
3 She was taking her revenge now on Bathsheba for the difficulties she had experienced in her life .
4 At the far end of the room Adèle was delightedly telling Mrs Fairfax about the presents she had received .
5 With a sudden pang of remorse , he reproached himself for not telling Zohra about the warnings he had received , if warnings they were , about the messages he had decided to ignore , on her behalf as well as his own .
6 At a short distance from Monarch Hill towards the hills we find Blackman 's Dane , by 1731 this had been altered to Hickman 's Dane , the term having the same meaning as Dene .
7 Yeah I went out I go out every Friday with the boys I do n't er old habits die hard .
8 During a visit to Alabama on June 20 US President George Bush announced that he had " decided to suspend the dialogue between the USA and the PLO pending a satisfactory response from the PLO on the steps it is taking to resolve problems associated with the recent acts of terrorism " .
9 He turned away to the bedside table and found a souvenir sack of nickels from Las Vegas among the things he had unpacked from his pockets .
10 Prologue to an era Perth Theatre 's new director is keen to build on its success , writes Allen Wright Among the traditions he is determined to uphold is Perth 's grand pantomime , to which Walter Carr will return next Christmas
11 It was written and circulated privately by Evelyn Underhill for the retreats she gave at Pleshey and elsewhere .
12 Lord Tebbit said : ‘ That is pretty silly of Mr Heath considering the years he spent trying to persuade people to vote against Lady Thatcher .
13 So , Sir , I have been able to reflect on the inherent good sense of the people of Worcester over the years I have been privileged to be the Member for that constituency .
14 In this context I would like to pay a tribute to the British officers who served Burma during the years it was part of the Commonwealth .
15 When you 're dealing with people who may want to buy retirement homes , er how do you describe them ? , they 've been described by Mr as the punters you see , how 'd you , what do you call them ?
16 In similarly insincere terms he thanks Duncan for the honours he has received from him : These speeches are subtly calculated by Shakespeare , for their insincerity is obvious to us ( the affected metaphors , the flabby repetitions ) but not to the recipients .
17 As Chuck followed Devraux into the trees he hung back , pulled out his flask again and drank deeply from it .
18 This at least testifies to the independence of HMI from the schools they inspect .
19 Perhaps he was n't without blame , but had n't she made the same kind of mistake when she had endowed Marcus with the qualities she 'd wanted him to possess ?
20 Of course , you only get UB for the days you are unemployed .
21 Naville is more cautious than Mallet in the conclusions he draws from his analysis about the extent of conflict with management likely to be brought about as a result of extensive use of such automated technology .
22 She made a mental note to listen more attentively to her lessons in biology and in Marxism , and then , to divert Omi from the views she was expressing , Erika said : ‘ Uncle Karl will be back soon , Omi .
23 If there was any other way without keeping Mr Gomorro in the cells we would have done so .
24 Fearful of upsetting those of a squeamish nature , I decided that an abrupt change of subject was in order and asked Jennifer about the guitars she was bringing with her to Europe : is she still an Ibanez 540S fan ?
25 In 1973 the Libyan leader , Gaddafi , indirectly attacked Egypt for the concessions it had made .
26 Three months before defeating Callaghan at the polls she announced publicly her intention of running a ‘ conviction Cabinet ’ .
27 We paused to watch a hawk hunting above one of the islands which splits the Vltava , and I asked Ladislav about the posters I kept seeing in windows .
28 In rather the same way the practice of giving hostages for the due execution of a treaty , quite common in the distrustful atmosphere of the sixteenth century , was last seen in operation in 1748 , when two British peers were sent to Paris as guarantees of the restitution by Britain of the conquests she had made in north America at the expense of France .
29 She was a willing ally in Miss Hatherby 's ambitious project to educate Constance in the things she felt the girl should know .
30 In 1626 he reported to the Commons on the outcome of the York House conference , at which George Villiers , first Duke of Buckingham [ q.v. ] , had declared his support for Arminianism ; and when he delivered one of the Commons charges against Buckingham in the Lords he added his own gloss that he was ‘ the principal patron of a semi-pelagian , semi-popish faction , dangerous to church and state , lately set on foot among us . ’
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