Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The Association of Community Health Councils formally asked for CHC involvement in medical audit in 1989 and were refused by the DOH on the grounds that it was a professional exercise ( Pollitt 1992 ) .
2 The ANC had earlier resisted a meeting with Inkatha on the grounds that this would lend undue national legitimacy to what it regarded as a Zulu organization with a power base confined largely to Natal province .
3 The accord was rejected by Gen. Aoun on the grounds that it did not provide for an immediate Syrian troop withdrawal [ ibid ] .
4 The accord was rejected by Aoun on the grounds that it did not provide for an immediate Syrian troop withdrawal .
5 The military regime in Iraq laid claim to Kuwait on the grounds that it used to be part of the Ottoman province of Basra .
6 Half an hour after the finish the stewards disqualified the Schlesser/Baldi Mercedes on the grounds that it had been given a tenth of a litre more than its 246-litre fuel allowance .
7 The significance of all this is that Utah had already convinced themselves that test-tube fusion could be an economic bonanza of unimaginable magnitude , and the first shots in the skirmish for priority had already been fired in February with the accusations that Jones had pirated the Utah chemists ' work .
8 Another New Scientist contributor was barred from the jamboree on 20 January on the grounds that he had a ‘ hotline to IBM ’ .
9 Although the government had suggested that anyone who applied would be permitted to make a visit , the Justice Ministry banned at least 42 dissidents from leaving South Korea on the grounds that their visit would " severely hurt national interests " .
10 Dissidents also protested against the continuing United States military presence in South Korea on the grounds that it hampered unification dialogue with the North .
11 Samir Geaga , head of the ( Christian ) Lebanese Forces militia , resigned formally on March 20 his nominal post of Minister of State in the government of national unity , which he had boycotted since its formation in December on the grounds that it was too pro-Syrian .
12 Our charge against the Government is that they have next to no positive proposals for Maastricht on the subjects that I have mentioned or on any other subjects .
13 The Act enables the authorities to detain anyone ‘ 'reasonably ’ suspected of being involved in the commission , preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism' ( Hewitt , 1982:166 ) for up to 7 days , and to take out exclusion orders banning British and Irish citizens from leaving or entering Great Britain or Northern Ireland on the grounds that they have been , or intend to become , involved in acts of terrorism .
14 LEBANON 'S Christian leader , General Michel Aoun , last night denounced a draft peace agreement produced by the country 's parliamentarians in the Saudi resort of Taif on the grounds that it did not set a timetable for the withdrawal of Syrian troops occupying the country since 1976 .
15 C Hughes spoke against the parliamentary candidature of Barnes on the grounds that he was a member of the ILP , and ‘ for him to force the members to support him was downright tyranny ’ ( SE 31 January 20 ) ; he could muster little support .
16 Kuhn 's demarcation criterion has been criticized by Popper on the grounds that it gives undue emphasis to the role of criticism in science ; by Lakatos because , among other things , it misses the importance of competition between research programmes ( or paradigms ) ; and by Feyerabend on the grounds that Kuhn 's distinction leads to the conclusion that organized crime and Oxford philosophy qualify as science .
17 I told Shama of the years that Thesiger had spent in Iraq with the Marsh Arabs and then in Iran , that now he had a small house in Kenya deep in the country where he could get away from the towns .
18 I have explained to the hon. Gentleman and to the House on countless occasions that we have provided TECs with the resources that they need to do the job that I have asked them to do .
19 On Oct. 15 the government prevented a convoy of trucks carrying medicine and food raised by charities for Iraqi children from leaving Amman on the grounds that UN permission would be required to ensure that the shipment did not break sanctions .
20 And all Mr Clinton 's supporters look nervous when reminded that California 's Proposition 166 , which tried to make firms pay for health-insurance for all their employees , was shot down in flames last November on the grounds that it would destroy jobs .
21 In terms of American provenance , we have sent so much material across the Atlantic over the years that we are often called up by someone who has discovered our label on their piece with a view to our buying it back .
22 The Association 's library would like to thank Melvyn Green OBE , FHCIMA for the books that he has donated .
23 Democrats also responded with incredulity when Thomas justified his refusal to comment on Roe v. Wade on the grounds that he had never previously discussed this historically significant decision during his entire legal career .
24 There was also hostility towards the report from some of the provincial premiers who had opposed Meech Lake on the grounds that it had made too many special concessions to Quebec .
25 On Aug. 26 Edward Lee Howard , a former US Central Investigations Agency ( CIA ) agent who defected to the Soviet Union in 1985 , was refused permission to settle in Sweden on the grounds that he was a security risk .
26 Reforms were widely seen as essential if the current deadlock in trade negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) were to be broken [ see p. 38411 ] , but the Commission 's proposals were criticized on July 15-16 by EC agriculture ministers , notably by the Netherlands and the United Kingdom on the grounds that they favoured inefficient smaller farmers .
27 I am sure that , despite his letter in your May issue ( Arm 's length or arm 's twist ) John Mallet really understands as well as the next man that , when I wrote in my letter of 10 March in The Times that ‘ we do not apply the arm 's length principle to the national museums and galleries ’ , I was saying no more than that there is no funding body between the Office of Arts and Libraries ( now the Department for the National Heritage ) and the national museums and galleries as there is between the Government and the subsidised theatres and performing arts bodies .
28 ‘ This report surely demands a rethink by both the Government and the senior management of BR of the policies that they have adopted over the last 10 years . ’
29 The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeals , but granted leave to appeal to the House of Lords on the grounds that points of law of general public importance were involved .
30 Stephen Young on the animals that excel in fuel economy Camels do it better .
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