Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adj] [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 On March 22 the captain of the oil tanker Exxon Valdez , Joseph Hazelwood , was acquitted of three major charges and convicted of one misdemeanour in connection with the oil spill caused by his vessel off the Alaskan coast in March 1989 , the worst in US history [ see pp. 36541 , 36606 ] .
2 On March 2 the trial of 21 police and Securitate officers began in Timisoara .
3 On March 2 the Bank of Spain assumed responsibility for Banco Ibercorp , the merchant bank of Ibercorp , which was in deep financial difficulties and had failed to find a buyer .
4 On March 30 a branch of the human rights organization Amnesty International was set up in East Berlin .
5 On March 30 a group of 14 Kurdish deputies resigned from the Social Democratic Popular Party ( SHP ) , which was junior partner in the governing coalition dominated by the True Path Party ( DYP ) .
6 On March 30 the Minister of Constitutional Development and Planning , Gerrit Viljoen , gave further details of the government 's plans for the constitution-making body .
7 Gen. Emile Lahud , C.-in-C. of the Lebanese Army , announced on March 30 the opening of the port road between West and East Beirut , in what was seen as a conciliatory gesture towards the Maronite Christians supporting President Hrawi .
8 In March 1972 a drawing of one was used as the cover of Playboy Magazine .
9 In the reign of Edward VI the income of the Court of Wards had averaged £11,000 per annum , rising to more than £15,000 per annum under Mary .
10 On Jan. 2 the body of 17-year-old Andrés Arturo Gutiérrez Maya , who had confessed his responsibility for the March 1990 murder of Bernardo Jaramillo Ossa , the presidential candidate of the left-wing Patriotic Union party ( UP ) [ see p. 37312 ] , was found , along with that of his father , in an abandoned car in Medellín .
11 During the century following the death of Edward III the power of the Crown was diminished by lavish grants to the great magnates .
12 The first withdrawal of US troops began on Jan. 2 with the return of about 300 troops to the USA , and as of Jan. 7 a total of 3,300 troops had returned home , out of a total of 26,000 who had been in Panama .
13 On Jan. 26 the Minister of Territorial Administration , Lt.-Col. Birama Sire Traore ( appointed in a Cabinet reshuffle announced on Dec. 27 ) , announced the postponement of the legislative elections in order " to ensure total openness and the necessary credibility for a genuine democracy " .
14 On Jan. 26 the Council of Ministers decided to abolish the law introduced in 1983 which restricted the use of languages other than Turkish , thus effectively recognizing the Kurdish language .
15 Xenofon Zolotas , who had become Prime Minister of an all-party government after an inconclusive general election on Nov. 5 , 1989 [ see pp. 37050-51 ] , announced on Jan. 26 the calling of a further general election .
16 On Jan. 10 the body of Meneses , who had headed the " self-defence " groups of the Magdalena Medio region , was found riddled with bullets on the outskirts of Puerto Bocayá [ for December surrender of Otero 's paramilitaries to government see p. 38673 ] .
17 On Jan. 10 the prefect of the Timis administrative region , the mayor of Timisoara , the region 's police commander and other officials tendered their resignations to the government , saying that they could no longer control events .
18 On Jan. 31 the office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees reported that Somali refugees were arriving in Kenya at the rate of 700 a day bringing the total there already to 140,000 .
19 In addition to agreeing to reinforce its presence in Turkey by sending German , Italian and Belgian aircraft [ see below ] , NATO approved on Jan. 17 the strengthening of its naval presence in the eastern Mediterranean .
20 Under Edward IV the business of both Secretary and Signet increased , and after his death the office of Secretary was not suspended during the minority of Edward V , as it had been when Henry VI was a child .
21 On the other hand , at a meeting with the Soviet ambassador in Gdansk on Jan. 18 the leader of Solidarity , Lech Walesa , had called for Soviet forces to be recalled by the end of 1990 .
22 By the time of Pope Gregory I the world of cultivated Roman paganism had receded into a past now only dimly seen through the distorting medium of legend and folklore .
23 In Vernicos Shipping Co v. United States 217 the application of the Brussels Convention on State Immunity between Greece ( a party ) and the United States ( a non-party ) was considered .
24 On Jan. 29 a show of strength by riotous crowds of pro-NSF supporters prompted accusations that the NSF was orchestrating mob rule .
25 On Jan. 29 the President of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) , Sadek Boussena , accused the IEA of depressing oil prices by releasing stocks in the market .
26 On Jan. 27 the head of Sudan 's Revolutionary Command Council ( RCC ) , Lt.-Gen.
27 All five opposition parties including the Social Democratic Populist Party ( SDPP ) and the True Path Party ( TPP ) voted against this resolution , and on Jan. 27 the leader of the SDPP , Erdal Inönu , accused Özal of misleading parliament by falsely professing neutrality .
28 On Jan. 8 the office of the Chief Military Prosecutor announced that there was sufficient evidence to open an investigation into the affair .
29 On Jan. 15 the Presidency of the European Communities ( EC ) announced that the EC and its member states had decided to recognize Croatia and Slovenia as independent states .
30 Returning via Paris to New York , Pérez de Cuéllar reported to the UN Security Council on Jan. 14 the lack of success in his discussions with Saddam Hussein .
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