Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adj] [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Guerrilla groups such as Carlos Marighela 's National Liberation Action in Brazil , Uruguay 's Tupamaros and the Montoneros in Argentina operated without Communist support and indeed were founded in the belief that the Moscow faithful lacked either the will or the capacity to engage in armed struggle .
2 THE 101st anniversary of the birth of Ho Chi Minh on May 19th got only a muted celebration in Hanoi .
3 The London Conference on Aug. 26-27 brought together the representatives of some 20 countries , including leaders of the six former Yugoslav republics and representatives of the European Communities ( EC ) , of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council , the CSCE and other governments and concerned parties , including political organizations of the Kosovo Albanians and the Hungarian minority in Vojvodina .
4 A preliminary meeting in Durban on Aug. 28 brought together a five-member Inkatha delegation and a three-member " alliance " team of the ANC , the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and the United Democratic Front ( UDF ) .
5 It is , therefore , particularly gratifying to be able to report that , in response to the case for maintaining the level of purchases made by the Library with the support of other Scottish research libraries , and users , both local and remote , Government agreed in December 1989 to restore substantially the level of the Library 's Purchase Grant in 1990–91 by allocating an additional £200,000 for purchases for the Library 's collections .
6 With minor exceptions , landlords have been permitted since 5th November 1973 to collect only the rent applicable before 6th November 1972 , plus half the difference between that rent and any higher rent agreed between the parties at normal rent reviews , or settled by arbitration , or otherwise determined .
7 At 0911:25 Invicta 435 reported overhead the BN and was cleared to land ; it was , at this point approximately three miles south of the airfield and approximately one mile west of the extended runway centreline , some two miles further on Base air traffic asked " Are you sure you are over the BN ? " to which the Vanguard Captain replied " I think I 've got a spurious indication .
8 In omeprazole induced hypergastrinaemic rats , SMS 201–995 prevents both the development of hypergastrinaemia and the increase in the gastrin mRNA levels , and antagonises the trophic effect of hypergastrinaemia on the fundic endocrine mucosa .
9 As to feudalism , an inscription ( Syll.a 332 ) shows Philip 11 giving away a hereditary lease , and Greek city land at Amphipolis was doled out to Macedonians ( Arrian Indike xviii , cp .
10 On an application by Mr. and Mrs. Tully , Wright J. made an order on 20 August 1991 setting aside the disclosure order on the ground that it infringed their privilege against self-incrimination .
11 The Treaty of Adrianople of September 1829 went only a little further , transferring the northern shore of the Danube to Russian control from the point where the Pruth flowed into it .
12 The British television programme This Week alleged that UK directors of Astra Holdings had in September 1989 notified both the UK Ministry of Defence and " intelligence people " of PRB 's possible involvement in the construction of a supergun .
13 North and South Trust Co. v. Berkeley [ 1971 ] 1 W.L.R. 470 raised quite a different problem .
14 Somewhat ironically , in view of the detailed , convoluted negotiations of the previous year , the constitutional agreement was not put to the test in the ways intended as the outbreak of war in September 1939 set aside the anticipated position irrevocably .
15 One immediate response to the CEGB 's announcement was the formation of the Alliance Against Hinkley C. This brought together a mixture of Friends of the Earth supporters from Bristol — only some twenty-five miles north of Hinkley — and others who had been active in the Somerset anti-waste-dumping campaign of the 1970s .
16 At the beginning of his reign Innocent III bunched together the Cathars , the Patarenes , the Waldensians and " other heretics of different names " , as his predecessor Alexander III had done .
17 In spite of the profound dissimilarities between father and son , and the bitter personal conflicts between them , Frederick II remained always the executor of Frederick William I. ‘ Only his care , ’ he wrote of his father , ‘ his untiring work , his scrupulously just policies , his great and admirable thriftiness and the strict discipline he introduced into the army which he himself had created , made possible the achievements I have so far accomplished . ’
18 Below , middle : Thousands boarded the Save-a-Connie L–1049H , this and the L–749 two dominated both the static and the flying .
19 Since the fifth century BC , when Democritus of Abdera first put forward the idea , scientists and philosophers have speculated on the nature of the fundamental constituents of matter .
20 An extraordinary session of the Georgian Supreme Soviet on April 9 adopted unanimously a formal declaration of the " restoration of state independence " .
21 An extract from a speech to the Reichstag in April 1939 illustrates well the personalized claims Hitler made for ‘ his ’ great ‘ achievements , and how far these rested on ‘ national ’ rather than specifically Nazi ideals and aspirations .
22 Community Environment Ministers voted on June 8 to prolong indefinitely a six-year ban on the import of skins and other products from baby seals , in response to pressure from animal welfare organizations ( see also p. 35959 ) .
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