Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adj] [verb] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Carlo De Benedetti , chairman of the Olivetti group and deputy chairman of Banco Ambrosiano from November 1981 to January 1982 , was indicted by the Milan Appeals Court on March 12 to stand trial for charges in connection with the bankruptcy of the Banco Ambrosiano in November 1981 .
2 A meeting of Western European Union ( WEU ) Foreign Ministers in Paris on Jan. 17 reaffirmed support for the USA in the Gulf war and for military action against Iraq until it withdrew unconditionally from Kuwait .
3 The UN Security Council on Jan. 28 reprimanded Iraq for allowing protestors to assault UN inspectors who arrived on Jan. 27 with responsibility for disposing of chemical and biological weapons stocks .
4 The 5 per cent tax on the sale of all production and technical output , consumer goods , completed jobs and paid services was technically to be introduced on Jan. 1 , although the authorities were given until Jan. 15 to confirm provisions for its calculation and collection .
5 It adds that ARC Northern had permission for quarrying and treatment of stone , apart from the roadstone coating , to work at all times , including Sundays .
6 Under the reformed electoral system the assemblies would meet on Jan. 19 to choose candidates for direct national and provincial elections to be held on Feb. 24 .
7 The trial of the preliminary issue was heard by Morland J. who on 15 March 1991 gave judgment for the council , holding that a local authority could sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation when no actual damage was alleged , and that the council had a cause of action in libel against the defendants on the basis of the pleaded statement of claim .
8 Certainly the king made a profit out of supplying the new dies which a different type necessitated : the moneyers at Worcester each paid £1 for them .
9 Kaifu 's government had been forced on Sept. 30 to abandon plans for a major constitutional reform which might have helped to end the LDP 's factional in-fighting .
10 I refer to your letter of 28 July 1993 requesting information for hte above study .
11 In the largest public protest seen for over a year , an estimated 10,000 demonstrators marched through central Abidjan on May 31 chanting demands for the resignation of President Felix Houphouët-Boigny .
12 In the most widely reported incidents of this nature ( i ) a group calling itself " White Wolves " on July 4 claimed responsibility for a bomb attack outside the offices of Vrye Weekblad , a radical Afrikaans newspaper ; ( ii ) a bomb attack during the rush-hour on July 6 injured 27 people at a Johannesburg bus station much used by commuters from the townships ; and ( iii ) NP offices in Bloemfontein were extensively damaged on July 22 by a bomb , the latest in a series of attacks on NP offices .
13 THE smash-hit musical City of Angels will stage a midnight performance on July 11 to raise money for Aids as police still hunt the killer of the show 's assistant director .
14 Indeed the tone of reports emanating from Washington between August 1949 and May 1950 gave cause for increasing alarm in Seoul over ultimate American intentions .
15 In his first address to the UN since taking office , United States President George Bush on Sept. 25 made proposals for cuts in chemical weapons , saying that the United States would begin elimination of 60 per cent or 98 per cent of its chemical weapons respectively , provided the Soviet Union cut its own stockpile to an equal level or eliminated it completely ; and that the USA would destroy all its chemical weapons within 10 years if the countries capable of producing such weapons signed a total ban treaty .
16 May 3 Bought van for £800 cash .
17 The Carol Andrews singers from Darlington appear in a charity concert in Bishop Auckland on May 3 to raise money for the South-West Durham Hospice Appeal .
18 A race night will be held at the village hall on Saturday , May 16 to raise money for hall association funds .
19 The Sundridge Super League North West Division One are holding a meeting on February 27 to fix venues for next season 's campaign .
20 The Council issued a statement on Sept. 9 expressing support for the air exclusion zone imposed over southern Iraq , for the Moslems in Bosnia , the Somali people , and the UAE in its current dispute with Iran — rejecting Iran 's " continued occupation " of the disputed islands and affirming that the GCC would support any measures that the UAE might take to " affirm its sovereignty " .
21 A member of the council , he functioned as escort to the king 's daughter , Queen Margaret of Scotland [ q.v. ] , during 1252–3 , and in March 1254 took responsibility for the English and Welsh lands of the young Prince Edward .
22 The Commission agreed in November 1989 to provide funding for European research into high-definition television ( HDTV ) technology through a joint venture involving some 30 television companies as well as the manufacturers Philips and Thomson .
23 Norbert Gugerbauer resigned as FPÖ leader in the Nationalrat on March 5 to make way for Haider 's election to this post on March 10 .
24 The UN Human Rights Commission ( UNHRC ) adopted a resolution on March 5 condemning Iraq for human rights violations of " the gravest nature " , including systematic torture and mass executions .
25 Melsonby Hall meeting : A public meeting will be held at Melsonby School on March 17 to discuss proposals for the new village hall .
26 Offerings include SNA 3270 Emulation , SNA 3270 Emulation in Distributed Mode for Workstations , SNA Remote Job Entry Emulation , Applications Program Interfaces including CPI-C , APILU 6.2 Run Time for AViiON Systems , and APILU 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 .
27 Quoting reseller sources briefed by the company , Computer Reseller News is looking for Sun to phase out the ELC and Sparcstation 2 to make room for new Tsunami-run IPCs and IPXs .
28 The French government had on Oct. 30 issued warrants for the arrest of four Libyan officials in connection with the destruction near the Chad-Niger border in 1989 of a DC-10 belonging to a private French airline [ see p. 36910 ] .
29 Unsanctioned rallies on Feb. 15-18 to renew calls for economic reform and leaders ' resignations attracted up to 15,000 people .
30 Students at Tirana 's Enver Hoxha University began boycotting classes on Feb. 6 to press demands for improvements to their accommodation , for an end to compulsory study of Marxist theory and the history of the ruling Party of Labour ( PLA ) , and for a change in the university 's name .
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