Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By nine that morning they were parked on a side-street off Tottenham Court Road , Bodie at the wheel of the Capri , Doyle slouched down in the passenger seat , idly , almost cursorily , watching the heavy flow of traffic up towards Warren Street .
2 Blair crept down to the bank whilst I rehearsed various reasons to explain why he had not caught the trout : lack of experience , bad casting technique .
3 He invited Patrick to sit down in the hall and took him in detail through events from the moment the car had stopped in front of the house .
4 Harvey sank down into the parched grass .
5 Having handed over her letter and waved goodbye , Perdita wandered down to the stables .
6 ‘ Get Hawkins to go down in the cellar and help thee , and mind th'do n't get up to any pranks . ’
7 The Sphinx of Giza gazed down at the red velvet couch .
8 Hatch bent down to the plants .
9 Hari sank down on the bench beside him .
10 Rex dropped down from the ceiling .
11 Manville flopped down in a chair without being asked .
12 Corbett squinted down at the faded blue-green ink .
13 One can picture Hoskyns looking down from the skies and being grateful for his pupil ; and Bethune-Baker looking down and thinking that he always knew where Hoskyns might lead the Churches .
14 Madge held the folds of material away as Therese climbed down from the stage .
15 Chatterton climbed down to the deck and told me that Robin-Anne had eaten a huge breakfast .
16 Rocky nodded down at the girl between them .
17 Lucy glanced down at the book lying open on the desk .
18 Galvone glanced down at the wall-to-wall shag carpet , shrugged .
19 The voice at the other end of the line obliged and Donna pressed down on the cradle to sever the connection before ringing the new number .
20 Rex glanced down at the billfold and then back to the screen .
21 ‘ Thank you , ’ he answered , bewildered , and was even more surprised when Therese called down from the stage , ‘ Coming for coffee , Madge ?
22 Stok walked down into the darkness .
23 Account executives at the insurer , who monitor its agents , had Wright marked down as a man with constant cash flow problems — he was always hassling them for his commission .
24 When , on his final journey to the police station , Raskolnikov kneels down in the middle of the Haymarket and kisses ‘ the earth , the filthy earth ’ ( zemlya ) as Sonya has bidden , it is entirely calculated by Dostoevsky that a tipsy artisan should laugh at the strange young man who ‘ is bowing down to the whole world and is kissing the capital city of St Petersburg and its soil ’ ( grunt , the German Grund ) .
25 Hennessy looked down at the slip of paper that he was being offered .
26 Wayne Biggins went down in the box .
27 Someone 's brother , baby son , or lover he thought and now he was gone : Corbett looked down at the corpse and felt the futility of the death .
28 Corbett looked down at the fearful remains of a young man who , the last time they had met , had been a vigorous young soldier interested in clearing his own name .
29 Ken reached down under the bar and produced a homemade sign .
30 Crouched in the shadows at the curve of the banister , Frankie stared down at the dark jungle of coats and jackets hanging from a row of wall-hooks in the lower corridor .
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